Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Trump supporters in Colorado are learning the pain that is sometimes associated with the proverbial shoe being placed on the other foot. The source of the most recent controversy came when a Colorado man placed an ad in a local paper that advertised that he was looking for a new downstairs tenant to share the building in which he | Read More »
President Obama said that he personally would not disagree with some of Cuban President Raul Castro's criticisms of America: President Castro, I think, has pointed out that in his view making sure that everybody is getting a decent education or health care, has basic security and old age, that those things are human rights as well. I personally would not disagree with him, Obama said. But it doesn't detract from some of these other concerns. And the goal of the human rights dialogue is not for the United States to dictate to Cuba how they should govern themselves, but to make sure that we are having a frank and candid conversation around this issue. And hopefully that we can learn from each other.
Liz Hayes, the veteran 60 Minutes reporter embroiled with her camera crew in a violent encounter in Stockholm in January, has revealed she felt she was safe from being hit.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES At long last, John Kasich has bowed to math. Even he said on Meet the Press yesterday that he knows he has no chance of getting 1,237 delegates and that he’s hoping to win at a contested convention. Here is the problem with Kasich’s strategy: by encouraging people to vote for him, he’s drastically reducing the chances that a | Read More »
Democrats never dared dream they could challenge for the House this election. But Trump has Republicans worried.
Self-described “commie…trans” April J. Foster, 29, was arrested by Kansas City, Missouri police on Friday for slapping a police horse ...
John Kasich cannot sweep the delegate count in Maryland. As in, he doesn't have enough delegates running under his name.
Americans don't understand free trade, even though it's good for them.
Talk about your Hobson's Choice . . . on today's Morning Joe, Nicolle Wallace, citing GOP consultants, suggested that--other than social conservatives--Republicans concerned with foreign policy should consider supporting Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Hillary supporter Harold Ford, Jr. could be heard chiming in with a "well said." Wallace was echoing the argument laid out by Joe Scarborough: that on a range of issues from foreign intervention to Israel, taxing the rich to breaking up the banks, Clinton's positions are closer to those of the GOP establishment than Trump's. But Joe, Nicolle and those Republican consultants are forgetting one overriding concern . . .

Obamacare Again?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

In what has become a spring tradition, Obamacare returns to the Supreme Court this month, the fourth time in five years. Fortunately for the religious nonprofits challenging the law’s contraceptive mandate—including the Little Sisters of the Poor, a monastic order that cares for impoverished elderly—the results of the Court's second and third encounters with the act can together answer their prayer for relief. Two years ago, in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the justices ruled 5-4 that the government could not force owners of closely held corporations to provide morally objectionable contraceptives to employees. (Hobby Lobby's owners believe devices that can prevent the implantation of fertilized eggs, such as morning-after pills and IUDs, violate the Christian prohibition on abortion.) The decision was based on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which bars the government from imposing a substantial burden on religious liberty unless it's the least restrictive means of advancing a compelling government interest.
Secretary of State John Kerry will meet with the head negotiators of the FARC during his visit to Cuba alongside President Obama Monday.
If Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, which looks probable ? though I?m still hopeful Ted Cruz can catch him ? he will have reshuffled the deck in a way no one has since…
Is radical Islam our generation's most dangerous ideology? Is it comparable to what Nazism and Communism were in the 20th century? Or are Islamists no more dangerous than extremist Christians, Jews, and Buddhists?
Barack Obama touched down in Castro’s Cuba on Sunday. Marxist leader Raul Castro and his brother Fidel did not even ...
1 RecommendedRecommend Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES In his book “An Army of Davids ” Glenn Reynolds talks about how new technology has become a force multiplier for ordinary people willing to gather together and work for a common goal. Online donations are an example. Ted Cruz is raising millions of dollars by just emailing his supporters you click on a button and well | Read More »
The Cruz campaign knows it has little hope of winning the majority of delegates prior to the GOP convention and so is hoping for a longshot Republican convention victory that will include obtaining a majority of the 164 delegates won by Marco Rubio during previous primary elections. Apparently, both Rubio and Cruz camps are negotiating …

America's Socialist Origins

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Was America once socialist? Surprisingly, yes. The early settlers who arrived at Plymouth and Jamestown in the early 1600s experimented with socialist commun...
The case involves a Trump business associate who had pleaded guilty in a major Mafia-linked stock fraud scheme and cooperated with the government.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Add Chuck Todd to the list of media personalities who are totally unfair to Donald Trump. “Meet the Press” has always been one of several Sunday morning programs where candidates or elected officials could appear live on the show to promote themselves or their positions, hence the name of the show.  Trump, up until this point, has gotten away | Read More
John Phillips, Stephen Kruiser, Scott Ott, and Bill Whittle go head-to-head to give a status report on the Republican race.
HAVANA (TheBlaze/AP) -- Brushing off decades of distrust, President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro shook hands Monday in Havana's Palace of the Revolution, a remarkable moment for two countries working to put the bitterness of their Cold War-era enmity behind them. As if the historic meeting...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump said he has “the best words.” He will tell you, without asking, just how smart he is. He’ll remind you, without asking, where he went to school. He’ll blather at you, without asking, just how stupid every other person is who doesn’t agree with him 100%. As such, it is really funny to see a study released | Read More »
A woman who falsely accused a taxi driver of a knifepoint sex attack has been jailed after he exposed her lies using an app on his mobile phone.
But they don't like Trump either.