RUSH: He is being dwarfed and swamped by unprecedented coverage of Trump, who hasn't had to spend any money to get it.  Ted Cruz has raised money left and right.  There are all kinds of people giving money to Ted Cruz, and nobody talks about it. Nobody wants to talk about Ted Cruz.  We're told over and over that everybody in the Senate hates him. We're told over and over everybody in Washington hates him. But yet he's in second place and he's won nine states.  So you're asking me if I think Ted Cruz can win?  Yeah, I do.  I don't think it's anywhere near over yet. 
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Restoring Our Republic

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Federalism would go a long way to solving our problems.
Ted Cruz raced to catch up with Donald Trump's hard line on immigration Friday, calling most of those crossing the border illegally "hardened, vicious, violent criminals."
Friday, March 18, 2016: GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Salt Lake City, UT at the Infinity Event Center Full Speech: Donald ...
Stossel producer Rikki Ratliff compiled Trump statements, and then asked people, "who said it: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?” Most people (wrongly) answer...
El Trumpo is taking aim at Ted Cruz ahead of the Utah primary with this typically incoherent attack in an attempt to brand Cruz: I have no idea who “shouldn’t allow” Cruz to win t…

Ben Shapiro: Donald Trump Is A Liar

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro takes on the myth that Donald Trump is a truth-teller.
The Ohio governor is improving Trump's odds at the convention.
By DanSyndrome Lyrics: Are you, are you, coming to the train, Led by a man, who wants to break the chains, Establishment is terrified, they can't control his...
Back in 2011, the feisty right-wing media personality Andrew Breitbart made a prediction about Donald Trump that turned out to be prophetic.

Book Review: The Art Of The Deal

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

I. Many of my friends recommend Robert Cialdini?s Influence, a book about how to be persuasive and successful. I read a most of the way through, and it was okay, but I didn?t have it in…
Glenn Beck: Failure to Elect Ted Cruz Will Leave Us With Blood on Our Hands
Trump says the new voters he's turning out can put Midwestern swing states in play. But it's a gamble whether he could win over enough white voters for every minority voter he drives the other way.
Hillary Clinton is fighting a rearguard action to avoid further damage to her standing with the crucial Jewish vote in her campaign for a Senate seat after a claim that she once used an ethnic insult against one of Bill Clinton's aides.
USA Today reporter Paul Singer had a frightening theory of what a contested Republican convention could result in. Not inside the convention hall, but outside. In a Friday night appearance on MSNBC's Hardball, Singer gave a scenario where there would be a massive clash between Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protestors. Singer noted the movement already has a strong presence in Cleveland, where the convention will be held, and would protest the convention, Trump or no Trump. "Imagine for the Democrats watching this, imagine there is a challenge to Donald Trump and then you have the Trump voters in the streets around the convention kicking up dust, and then you have the Black Lives Matter, who you know will be in Cleveland, because they're there any way, kicking up dust." "You have this clash in the streets," Singer said. Host Chris Matthews was perplexed by the situation Singer predicted. "You are an imaginative guy. I never thought about that," a baffled Matthews said. "It's going to be like the Seattle trade protests all again with the anarchists coming in. It's going to be insane," Jay Newton Small of TIME chimed in.
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The party could change convention rules or bring in an independent candidate, but the more realistic (yet unwelcome) option may be to support a Democrat
A 17-count indictment charges the 59-year-old man with child endangerment, sexual misconduct and sexually abusing a female dog in front of a child
Donald Trump continued his fued with Mitt Romney at a rally in Utah. 
Sen. Bernie Sanders is returning to Phoenix for another rally on Saturday night, and we sat down with him Thursday. Briefly.

Jacob Rascon on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Clashes between police and protesters outside Trump event getting intense https://t.co/sDBtblBkpq”
Robert Gates tells Fox News that the president disregarded his team's counsel.