
Jeb Hensarling endorses Cruz

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Hensarling is the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and represents a Dallas-area district.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has to worry about a steep drop-off of the black vote that could imperil her chances of winning the White House in November, an analysis …
Libertarians for Trump?
Laura Bush does not like xenophobia. And I don't blame her one bit.

Sen. Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Texas senator heckled during speech to group called In Defense of Christians in Washington, D.C. Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/ Fox News Insider: The Offic...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Amanda Carpenter has a brave and important post today at Conservative Review. She has compiled a list of every Republican elected official and every prominent conservative pundit who has endorsed Donald Trump before he officially clinched the nomination. Her argument is pretty simple: It’s time to make a list. A list of those so-called conservatives and Republicans endorsing Donald | Read More
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES One of the most nauseating and transparently fake things to come down the pike in a long time is John Kasich?s nice guy act. Kasich is one of the most notorious jerks in the history of Washington, DC, which is a town full of jerks. To paraphrase the Big Lebowski, that places him high on the list of jerks worldwide. | Read More
Focus group of Republicans and Democrats provides revealing look at the anger toward the front-runners -- and how voters may respond
Morgan Cloud and George Shepherd, professors at Emory University School of Law, say that Donald Trump’s accusers may see him in court soon: The candidate says any trial over allegations about fraud at Trump University is years off. That’s not what the record suggests.
The future Republican presidential candidate feuded with The Rolling Stones prior to a gig in 1989.
He is one of the nation's leading scholars on of constitutional interpretation, civil liberties and philosophy of law.
"The media have been the ones inciting hatred and violence," former Ku Klux Klan leader claims
After a week of bruising losses, many Republicans are ready to give up the fight.
FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — A California university student who went on a campus stabbing rampage that wounded four people before he was shot down by a campus police officer was inspired by Islamic State but acted alone, the FBI said Thursday.
A threatening letter was sent to Eric Trump’s home on Thursday. The letter included white powder and warned Trump that ...

Jeb Hensarling endorses Cruz

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Texas lawmaker said he has "serious questions" about Trump's conservative bona fides.
Tuesday Arizona holds its primary and Utah holds its caucus. At first glance, those are natural Cruz states, right? Cue ominous music.
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley fully expects to sign the 19-week abortion ban currently making its way through the state legislature.
Visits to campaign rallies in Florida this week confirmed what polls have been suggesting for months: Donald Trump is leading the race for the Republican nomination in large part because he's winning over throngs of nonhabitual voters.
Can Donald Trump be stopped from winning the Republican nomination? The answer is yes. Despite his big win over Marco Rubio in Florida and his narrow wins over Ted Cruz in Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina, he has not won a majority of delegates yet awarded -- 661 at this writing, with several more to be added when Missouri and Illinois congressional district totals are tabulated.
A Citigroup report on 20 nations said pension obligations, much of them unfunded, amounted to nearly twice the countries’ total national debt.
'Earth Hour' Blackout Cancelled Because Of Migrant Rape
While Americans are suffering in the Obama economy, President Barack Obama is seeking to increase the money available to him after he leaves the White House. The Congressional Research Service …
Newt Gingrich on 'Anti-Trump' Republicans: Should Form 'Lost Republicans for Hillary'
Hacker group releases Trump's cell phone number, social security info