Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted this morning to President Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.
The State Department will miss a congressionally-mandated deadline to decide whether or not to call ISIS atrocities against Christian and other religious minorities a genocide, a spokesman said Wednesday.
The CEO of Carl's Jr. and Hardee's has visited the fully automated restaurant Eatsa — and...
On Wednesday night, the top English broadcast networks and Spanish-language network Univision failed to cover news that the Justice Department had finally confirmed that a gun in possession of the now-captured Mexican drug lord El Chapo was linked to the scandal-ridden Operation Fast and Furious.
Republicans who want to stop Trump need to hold their noses, if necessary, and vote for Cruz.
Globalization sustains the kind of better-paying jobs that Americans should covet.

Mona Lisa Money Please Part 2

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES This Trump phenomenon has been a difficult one to accept. It closely mirrors the mania surrounding Obama in 2008. Like that one, it is based on emotion and grounded in how a candidate makes voters feel, instead of the experience and substance they bring to the table. The result has been downright infuriating and embarrassing If those of us | Read More »
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES The ongoing humiliation and debasement of those who support Donald Trump is absolutely mind-blowing. Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Fox News … we’ve been over this. But what is happening to Dr. Ben Carson is downright sad. Like this interview for Yahoo! News. YAHOO: But if someone like Mr. Trump can call you, an acclaimed and noted neurosurgeon, as someone | Read More »
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES One of the things that pundits of marginal intellectual heft who are mostly into politics for the bloodsport like to say is that anyone who votes for a third party candidate in November is basically voting for Hillary. Politico reported yesterday that our old boss Erick Erickson was meeting with some people in D.C. yesterday in an attempt to | Read More »
The training provided to these officers will make the investigations even less legitimate.
Venezuela is shutting down for a week as the government struggles with a deepening electricity crisis.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES March 15 lived up to its billing as Armageddon Tuesday, at least for Marco Rubio, who dropped out of the race after losing his home state of Florida, and badly. But while Donald Trump ran the table outside of Ohio, he remains the weakest frontrunner in Republican history, drawing a smaller share of the popular vote than Mitt Romney, | Read More »
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump appeared on The O’Reilly Factor tonight in what must have marked appearance (including all of the times he has dialed in) number 9,374,384 since last June when Trump announced he was going to seek the GOP Presidential nomination. The Fox News Channel, above all other television stations, including cable and network stations, has been the biggest pimp | Read More »
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES The Secretary of State has determined that the Islamic State, ISIS, has been committing genocide against Christians… albeit past the deadline the previously told lawmakers they’d answer the question by. Lawmakers, in fact, were not enthused by the delay, as it really just allowed ISIS more time to kill whole groups of people. The delay was sharply criticized by | Read More »
Beat Donald Trump during the primaries or beat him on the floor of the convention
Belgium: Islamic State flag and jihad manual found by gunman's body Hugh Fitzgerald: Jonathan Power, and “Why Islam Is Not Violent” Yet Again
Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh argued Wednesday that Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-Fla.) presidential campaign had been taken out years earlier by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Limbaugh opened his radio program praising Rubio's concession speech as "the best speech I've heard in a year, by anybody. Hands down."...
For years, conservatives have told themselves the pretty bedtime story that they represent a silent majority in America -- that most Americans want smaller government, individual rights and personal responsibility. We've suggested that if only we nominated precisely the right guy who says the right words -- some illegally grown Ronald Reagan clone, perhaps -- we'd win. Donald Trump's impending nomination puts all of that to bed.
It's hard for the Obama administration and its supporters to appeal to constitutional norms in trying to persuade the Senate to formally consider the Garland nomination, when the administration has disrespected such norms in a variety of contexts.
With Donald Trump moving steadily toward the Republican nomination, conservatives have now been put to the test: is #NeverTrump serious? The conventional wisdom says no. Most commentators tut-tut exit polls showing that a large minority of Republicans say they won’t vote Trump under any circumstances; once they’re faced with the specter of Hillary, the logic goes, they’ll fall in line behind the demagogic real estate strong man.
A person on the audience holds up an image of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets supporters and takes photos during a campaign event at the Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, N.C., Monday, March 14, 2016. (AP Photo/Carolyn...
In his general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis launched an appeal to the nations of the world to open their hearts and doors to migrants “at the border".
“We’ll make it work if it happens,” the Speaker said of a Trump nomination.