A safer, stronger America safeguards freedom at home and across the globe. That’s why Ted Cruz has fought tirelessly to defend our nation’s servicemen and women, to restore America’s leadership in the world, and to secure our border and streamline our legal immigration system. Opposed the Obama Administration’s dangerous deal with Iran that would allow Iran to pursue nuclear weapons. …
This is In Real Terms, a column analyzing the week in economic news. Comments? Criticisms? Ideas for future columns? Email me or drop a note in the comments. A plea to presidential candidates: Stop…
After years of pushing unwelcome candidates on an unhappy conservative base, the GOP Establishment has been soundly defeated in 2016. But some establishment players still dream of John Kasich or Paul Ryan emerging from the wreckage of a contested convention.
It’s being fueled on both sides: one through anti-free-speech agitation; the other side by threats.
This chart shows the % of Hispanics with a favorable/unfavorable opinion of presidential candidates.
Though he stopped short of endorsing pro-life Senator Ted Cruz, pro-life Florida Senator Marco Rubio says ted Cruz is the only real conservative left in the pre
GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz and former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina will join Sen. Mike Lee for his re-election campaign kickoff event on Saturday morning.
Trump needs to assure all delegates -- those bound to him and those thinking about it -- that he can be trusted with the nomination, writes Hugh Hewitt.
A little over one year ago, radical activist, and rapper, Tef Poe was sitting in our White House discussing strategy with our Community Organizer in Chief. Today, he’s taken to Twitter to warn Whit…
Image via Screenshot The myths of white privilege and institutionalized racism have engulfed nearly every college campus in the country including Harvard University. A video leaked on Monday showed West Georgia University students Miguel Feliciano and Damiyr Davis claiming that white lives don’t...
Poll: Donald Trump Hits 65 Percent in New York, More than 50 Percent Ahead of Ted Cruz

Law of The Donald

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

If Trump is elected president, will constitutional law and American political institutions protect us from a would-be dictator? Europeans worry about the emergence of Caesarism in the United States…
The Democrat’s strategy will have to be modified for the general election
Several groups of rabbis and Jewish religious leaders are planning to protest Donald Trump's speech to a major pro-Israel conference in Washington on Monday.
The subject of men being victims of domestic violence is back in the news following the tragic death of David Edwards who was murdered by his wife.
This morning I participated in a meeting of grassroots conservative activists from around the country who are committed to opposing Donald Trump. We have agreed to release the statement below: We a…

Time To Organize

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

This is potentially the last chance we have to elect somebody to the Presidency who shares our values.
On Thursday night’s The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly and The Five co-host Greg Gutfeld discussed the fact that conservatives on talk radio are split on whether or not they support Donald Trump. Gutfeld called out some talk radio hosts for being “opportunists” when it comes to supporting the GOP frontrunner, after years of calling people “RINOS” for not being “pure” enough for the party.
CountupCount Up(function(){ var s=document.createElement('script');s.src="http://www.tickcounter.com/loader.js";s.async='async';s.onload=function() { tc_widget_loader('tc_div_24006', 'CountUp', 650,...
Pollster Frank Luntz Melts Down After Former Client Rubio Drops Out
AP reporter Nick Riccardi says Kasich is making a Utah swing that may deny Cruz the 50% he needs to win all the delegates: The Kasich Team denies this is their strategy, saying they are trying to d…
Read about Hillary's Camp Freaking Out As This Video Goes Viral… ‘No Way To Stop It Now’ | Mark Simone | WOR 710
Charles Krauthammer finally admitted tonight that he was wrong when he laughing at Donald Trump six months ago. The FOX ...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Cumberland County Sheriff Earl Butler announced on Facebook Wednesday that five deputies have been disciplined “following a professional standards investigation” after one of the rally’s attendees punched a protester in the face with police standing nearby. According to WRAL, the sheriff’s office admitted that the deputies witnessed the assault but failed to take any action. Three deputies were demoted | Read More