Comedian George Lopez tweeted an image that shows Mexican drug kingpin Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán holding the severed head of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Super Tuesday Results

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Live Super Tuesday election results, part of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Super Tuesday: Live Coverage

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Get live updates and results from the Super Tuesday primaries.
The conservative group is actively considering denying endorsements to any candidate that endorses Trump while the primary is still being contested.
The New Hampshire Union Leader said it made a mistake in endorsing Christie.
From the New Yorker to FiveThirtyEight, outlets across the spectrum failed to grasp the Trump phenomenon.
It's Super Tuesday and the political attack ads have reached a fever pitch. In this vicious new TV spot from Marco Rubio, he makes the defamatory claim that ...

Last chance for America?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump's antics and bluster may appeal to some voters – but in the world as it is, he may well cost us our last chance to recover from the great dangers into which the Obama administration has gotten this nation.
Undeniable, irrefutable data.
"Jesse Ventura is a bright, shining new face who comes riding in on a white stallion to save the country."
The puzzling trend that has some evangelicals jumping on the Donald Trump bandwagon is puzzling to me.
By Fiona Ortiz CHICAGO (Reuters) - An Illinois voter's lawsuit challenging Ted Cruz's eligibility to run for president of the United States because he was born in Canada was dismissed on a technicality on Tuesday by a state judge. Cook County Circuit Court Judge Maureen Ward Kirby in Chicago ruled that she did not have jurisdiction in the lawsuit - which had sought to have Cruz removed from the state's primary election ballot - because it had not been properly served on the state Board of Elections. Joyce, a lawyer and a pharmacist from the Chicago suburb of Poplar Grove who supports Cruz rival Ben Carson, initially filed a complaint in January with the elections board.
"He's an authoritarian," Paul added of the Democratic White House hopeful.
HOUSTON – Four years after casting his first ballot for himself, for the U.S. Senate nomination, Ted Cruz cast another on Super Tuesday, a pivotal day in his quest for?
Libertarian Republican from Michigan suggests Donald Trump might be "a bigger threat" to freedom than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
“He’s like 6-2, which is why I don’t understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5-2.”
Ted Cruz agreed with Glenn Beck today that any candidate not winning enough Super Tuesday delegates to move the needle on winning the primary should drop out. And that means him as well: I would ag…
"The way for change and freeing yourselves from the pressure of lobbyists is not through the Republican or the Democratic parties."
This organization has promoted “fisting” to middle-schoolers, recommended books excusing pedophilia, and suggested sex-ed for 5 year olds.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Everyone seems to believe that Trump will sweep or nearly sweep today’s primaries. He’s certainly favored by the media to do just that. I think at the end of the day he will likely win the vast majority of states today. But here are the top four states that he might lose today, ranked according to my own highly | Read More »
Of all the misconceptions of Trump’s prowess, perhaps the most idiotic is that he’ll instill fear in our nation’s enemies.
A Louisiana law that requires clergy to report allegations of wrongdoing, even if learned during sacramental confession, is unconstitutional, a state judge ruled Friday. The case involves Rebecca M…
Stephen A. Smith to Young Black Kids: Racism 'Doesn't Exist' for You
Just because Paul Ryan is now House Speaker doesn?t mean he?s leaving behind the entitlement policies he championed as Budget Committee chairman. Some observers on the left worry that his ideas might take hold before Democrats have a chance to respond. Since becoming Speaker, Ryan (R-Wis.) has been relentless in setting a single objective above all... read more