Hidden Camera Catches Imam Teaching That Divorced Women Who ‘Fornicate’ Should be Stoned To Death
Rafael Bienvenido Cruz Talks About His Son's Political Influence
Daily Mail Calls Justice Clarence Thomas 'It' in Hit Piece
We endorsed Chris Christie in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. Watching Christie kiss the Donald's ring this weekend — and make excuses for the man Christie himself had said was unfit for the presidency — demonstrated how wrong we were.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox: Trump Like Hitler, 'False Prophet'
NASCAR's chief executive and several NASCAR drivers endorsed Donald Trump on Monday, just one day before a cluster of Southern states vote in the GOP's Super Tuesday contests.
My 87-year-old black dad has been a Christian pastor for over 50 years. I phoned, “Dad, what do I say to Christians who support Trump rather than Ted Cruz?” Dad replied, “Trump says he is a Christian.” Matthews 7:16 — “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” Ted...
Could Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio beat Trump in a head-to-head race?
Here is something to think about as we approach Super Tuesday. If Marco Rubio becomes president, we can expect: 1.) That he will work with Democrats and the GOP leadership in Congress to pass something that looks like the Gang of Eight amnesty bill. 2.) That he will urge Congress to pass any trade agreements that Obama has signed. 3.) That he will send significant numbers of U.S. troops to the Middle East. 4.) That his foreign policy will be developed by many of the same people who advised George W. Bush. 5.) That his economic policy will reflect the views of those who were in power when the United States was hit by the economic crisis of 2008. Now, I don?t think any of these points are truly controversial. Somewhere, there may be naïve people who actually believe that Rubio will put border enforcement first. But all sophisticated analysts of politics — including the folks at National Review —
The "Super Tuesday" primaries may be a turning point for America -- and quite possibly a turn for the worse. After seven long years of domestic disasters and increasing international dangers, the next President of the United States will need extraordinary wisdom, maturity, depth of knowledge and personal character to rescue America.
The Donald has repackaged the Left’s principles and would now like to be trusted with the future of conservatism.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Katrina Pierson is the perfect spokesperson for Donald Trump. Here she is on CNN today with a CNN panel that was grilling her about how Trump would respond in the general election to a Hillary commercial that would be cut with his horrible answer on David Duke as the centerpiece. Pierson responded that Trump would cut a commercial back | Read More »
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Sometimes, losing is a choice. And if the Republican Party nominates Hillary Clinton donor and Clinton Foundation donor Donald Trump to be its presidential candidate, the choice to lose to Hillary will already have been made, and the only question will be how to manage the scale and collateral consequences of the defeat. Nobody should go to the polls | Read More »
Donald Trump will bring a distinctively European flavor to the 2016 presidential election, should he win the Republican nomination.
Judge upholds diocese's right to free exercise of religion
The 2016 Presidential primary schedule is finally set. Some of the dates below may be subject to change as states and parties make their final decisions regarding which day to hold their primary or…
Research by Anne Li, Nate Silver, and David Wasserman Sources and terms >> Alabama primary 53 delegates (35 district, 18 statewide) You’re reading the Democratic Super Tuesday guide. Switch t…
I had no idea that Ted Cruz had such a long list of accomplishments to his credit. This is not an endorsement of him, but Cruz is certainly a competent, worthy presidential candidate.
Super Tuesday is the date of March 1, 2016. It is called ?Super Tuesday? because many states hold their primary voting on the same date which can create a situation where candidates tha…
A 60 Minutes Australia crew filming with Liz Hayes has been bashed by 'a group of masked men' in the Swedish capital of Stockholm as they covered the migrant crisis in the region.
The women claimed they were attacked by more than a dozen white people who hurled racial slurs at them.
Claremont Colleges continues its descent.
Is Jack Welch spot on?