This is just ridiculous. While on the “State of the Union,” Trump says he just can’t denounce the KKK’s support for him until he does more “research.” Watch belo…
The host is one of several minority personalities who have faced diminished roles at the news network.
"Trump retweets Mussolini quote. Weird times."
Hillary Clinton has managed to be responsible for the only film ever banned in the United States.
Bryon York reports: Romney aides believe strongly that this race will play out like the 1980 campaign, in which President Jimmy Carter led Ronald Reagan for much of the race until Reagan broke through just before the election. As Jonathan Chait noted, 1980 is a poor comparison with 2012 for many reasons.  One is simply …
Trump on Gaddafi in 2011: 'We should stop this guy' At the CNN/Telemundo Republican debate on Feb. 25, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said th...
Meg Whitman, who had an official role in Gov. Chris Christie's now-defunct campaign, calls Christie's endorsement of Trump "political opportunism."
Let's dispel once and for all this fiction that Marco Rubio knows what free enterprise is.
Sunday morning on “State of the Union,” CNN’s Jake Tapper questioned Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on the endorsement he receive from Infamous White Supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. “Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don’t want his vote or...
The future of the entire conservative movement is at stake, and a Hillary Clinton victory over Donald Trump might be the only hope of saving it.
"You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I'd have to look."
As Super Tuesday looms, inquiring minds want to know.
NY Times Bombshell Scoop: Fox News Colluded with Rubio to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens
So where are Trump’s returns?

Manny Montenegrino on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“This poll is as of now. Don't forget- According to @realDonaldTrump "I haven't even started on her, yet"”
Mr. Rubio served as the chief envoy to conservative media on behalf of legislation that would have provided a path to citizenship for 11 million immigrants.
Kasich tells Smerconish he'll be the GOP nominee, and discussses whether the debate mudslinging hurts the GOP brand, and Christie endorsing Trump. .
Harvard Professor Danielle Allen tells Smerconish why Trump's rise reminds her of Hitler's, & why she proposed independents register to vote for his rivals.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has assured Senate candidates running for reelection that they can run ads against Donald Trump even if he wins the GOP nomination for president. According to the New York Times, senators attending private lunches with the Majority Leader have been advised to take the position that Donald Trump will lose badly in the general election and should prepare themselves for a Hillary Clinton presidency. Source: Reuters Looks like McConnell and other GOP leaders are conceding the nomination to Trump, but won't give him any support in November. From Raw Story: Pointing out that he still won easily when President Bill Clinton was reelected, McConnell reportedly told colleagues that the party will drop Trump “like a hot rock” if he is the nominee. News of the party’s preemptive rejection of the potential nominee comes after a luncheon meeting attended by Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19 where political guru Karl Rove warned that
Donald Trump could end up destroying the Republican Party if he were to become the 2016 presidential nominee, famed strategist Karl Rove is warning party
RUSH:  I'm not Ted Cruz's lawyer.  I'm not his mother.  I'm not his father, Rafael Cruz. I'm not his campaign spokesman... I think Trump's allegations that Cruz is a liar, nasty, are so over the top that, to me, they're instantly questionable anyway.  They seem to be purely and totally political. They're so over the top.  Nobody, nobody could be as nasty a human being as Trump portrays Cruz to be.  It's not possible. 
Retired Gen. Michael Hayden said the U.S. military would likely refuse to follow certain orders from Donald Trump if he is elected to the White House in November and follows through on campaign promises.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES The idea that Donald Trump flip flops on everything is not news to anyone by this point. The fact that he flip flopped on Libya within a five year period doesn?t even make the top 100 list of startling things Trump has done. Heck, within the span of 20 seconds in the debate on Thursday, he said ?I wouldn?t believe | Read More