Donald Trump is the only Presidential candidate with a university named after him.
Oh how the rotund have fallen. Chris Christie thought he was on the road to the White House, but just a few months later, he’s a lickspittle lackey to the Donald. Watch how Trump dismisses hi…
Marco Rubio was on a mission on Thursday night: Destroy The Donald. How much damage did he really do?
Despite all the forces arrayed against Mr. Trump, a paralytic sense of indecision and despair has prevailed.

Christie's Disgrace

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Chris Christie, who ran for president on the sober promise to tell it like it is and whose campaign was built around the urgency of entitlement reform and restoring U.S. national security, on Friday endorsed Donald Trump, a national security ignoramus who is running for president adamantly opposed to any serious entitlement reform and whose campaign is built around outrage and egesta. It's a development that is important, stunning and unsurprising. Important: The timing of Christie's endorsement was perfect for Trump. The candidate running on strength had been thoroughly emasculated by Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz at the debate in Houston on Thursday. Rubio highlighted his hypocrisy on hiring non-American workers, an attack that left Trump nonplussed during the debate and spinning hard afterwards. Trump defended himself by arguing, a) that he couldn't possibly have known what the Trump bureaucracy had done in its hiring practices, and, b) he had to hire non-Americans because he couldn't find Americans who would do those jobs.
Former President Bill Clinton was campaigning for his wife in South Carolina when a Marine veteran stood up and asked him about Benghazi.
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. ? Edmund Burke I have been using this Burke quote as a call to…
Donald Trump tweeted that former Mexican President Vincente Fox was out of line using the F-bomb to tell Trump where he can stuff his beautiful wall. Here?s a wonderful cut?unbleeped, s…

He’s Beatable

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

William Kristol at The Weekly Standard carries the ball for preserving the integrity of the conservative movement and the future of the GOP. Well, today?s nominating process may not live up t…

Decency Matters

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Make this your must read from Christian theologian and author Max Lucado.
Cruz gave himself the deadline during Thursday's debate.
Marco Rubio has released his income tax returns for the years 2010-2014, augmenting the disclosure he already made in his 2010 Senate race.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.

Donald Trump Doesn't Repeat Himself

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

sure looks like it
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES In Thursday night?s debate, during the course of being hammered about the fraudulent ?university? that Donald Trump lent his name to in order to lull gullible people into parting with their life savings, Trump claimed the following: I’ve won most of the lawsuits. … It’s a case that is nonsense. It’s something I could have settled many times. I | Read More
EXTRAORDINARY, SOPHISTICATED AND NUANCED INTELLIGENCE DUMB YOKEL Really, it's a great thing about the internet that you can quickly go back and find a definitive record of what people have said in the past.  And using this facility, we can get a handle on the significant difference between the really, really smart people and the rest of us ordinary nobodies, hicks and yokels. Take Barack Obama.  Obviously, he's really, really smart.  Indeed, he's so smart that he's bored by having to deal with all the lesser lights around him.  The famous recognition of his greatness is from his right-hand-woman and close aide Valerie Jarrett, quoted in the David Remnick biography: “I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. … He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. … So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. … He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.” You may remember 2012 as the year with the then-highest gasoline prices on record.  According to this report from the AAA, gas prices averaged $3.60 nationwide for the full year, and earlier in the year were closer to $4.  And Barack Obama was running for re-election.  On February 23 of that year, he gave a speech at the University of Miami that covered the subject of high energy prices.  You'll enjoy some of these excerpts: You know there are no quick fixes to this problem [of high gas prices].  You know we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices. . . .  So what does this mean for us?  It means that anybody who tells you that we can drill our way out of this problem doesn’t know what they’re talking about, or just isn’t telling you the truth. And then there are those really, really stupid Republicans: You can bet that since it’s an election year, [the Republicans are] already dusting off their 3-point plan for $2 gas.  And I’ll save you the suspense.  Step one is to drill and step two is to drill. And then step three is to keep drilling.  (Laughter.)  We heard the same line in 2007 when I was running for President.  We hear the same thing every year.  We’ve heard the same thing for 30 years.  Well, the American people aren’t stupid.  They know that’s not a plan. . . . Because Obama is not stupid at all, and indeed is really, really smart, he was completely confident that the right strategy to lower energy prices was to move away from hydrocarbons and replace them with things like solar and wind: The potential of a sustained, all-of-the-above energy strategy is all around us.  Here in Miami, 2008, Miami became the first major American city to power its city hall entirely with solar and renewable energy.  Right here in Miami.  (Applause.) . . . . On a typical day, the wind turbine at the Miami-Dade Museum can meet about 10 percent of the energy needs in a South Florida home, and the largest wind producer in the country is over at Juno Beach. According to the AAA here, the nationwide average price of regular gasoline today is $1.715 -- actually well below the $2 goal that Obama was talking about in February 2012.  And how did we get there?  One and only one way:  drilling.  Anybody who thinks that solar or wind or some other kind of renewable had anything to do with it is completely delusional. Then there was Sarah Palin.  The famous quote from her is "Drill, baby, drill," actually uttered at multiple places and on multiple occasions.   Here's an example from 2010.  Dumb yokel! Remember that socialism means putting all the important economic decisions in the hands of the really, really smart people.
When Mark Zuckerberg got his first bodyguard in 2011. But now the Facebook founder is reported to have no less than 16 people protecting him at his home in Palo Alto, California.
As we all know Seattle brought in a staged rise to a $15 an hour minimum wage a while back. And back then some of us said that this wouldn't work out well. We predicted, I certainly did, that the result of this would be fewer jobs than there would [...]
Several years ago I penned a piece on then Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, someone who had no chance at the time of being President, but who had captured the affections of far too many discerning people. I know my article could have never swayed the opinions of the typical Ron Paul supporter, but
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump promises his voters that he’s going to provide them with the best and most of everything. America’s going to be great again. We’re all going to get rich. The jobs are going to come back. We’ll have the biggest, classiest wall. We’re going to cut such great deals together your head will spin. If you ask for | Read More »
Famous-long-ago David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klansman from Louisiana, said on his radio show this week that voting for anyone but Donald Trump “is really treason to your heritage.”?
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Yesterday in a rally in Texas, Donald Trump promised the cheering crowd that if he is elected that he will gut the First Amendment. TRUMP: Washington Post, I have to tell you, I have respect for Jeff Bezos, but he bought the Washington Post to have political influence, and I gotta tell you, we have a different country than | Read More »