A new investigative look at the ties between big business interests in Colombia, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her family's charitable foundation are raising troubling questions about the role that corporate trade deals and big oil may have played in softening the powerful Democrat's position on human rights in the South American country.
Sen. Ted Cruz told a sold-out crowd at Regent University the race for the White House will narrow to Trump and himself after Super Tuesday, even though Cruz currently polls in third place in Virginia.

A Story About the Regressive Left

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Cut from Joe Rogan Experience #711. Watch whole episode here: https://youtu.be/_WmGqdrmDqQ Podcast episode: http://traffic.libsyn.com/joeroganexp/p711.mp3
A video revealing how our response to domestic violence differs depending whether the victim is male or female has received two million hits online
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas Friday acknowledged that Donald Trump could be “unstoppable” if he sweeps the table on Super Tuesday, and stepped up his plea for Republicans who are opposed to the businessman to rally behind his candidacy.
Junk Justice: A Texas appeals court wadded up and threw out the ?abuse of power? indictment against Gov. Rick Perry this week, the latest in a line of such harassment suits against effe…
Explicitly stating our opposition, before he secures the nomination, will not stop people from saying we cost him the nomination. But in the historic record it will be clear we saw the rise of an …
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Right now, the scuttlebutt in the political media is all about whether conservative groups are making contingency plans to support a conservative third party candidate in the general. The story has been reported in Politico and numerous other outlets and I can tell you for a fact that the discussions are occurring and proceeding forward on a contingency basis. | Read More »
The D.C. Circuit has declined to rehear a case challenging the District’s gun registration laws — thereby confirming an earlier ruling that most notably struck down a requirement that gun owners to re-register firearms every three years and a prohibition on registering more than one handgun per month.
Teaming up at Thursday’s debate, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio left off attacking each other long enough to focus on and demolish Donald Trump.

Rubio and Cruz Should Go Gore

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

And Other Debate Thoughts

Trump, the Insult Comic Candidate

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Why Donald Trump’s political rhetoric will not go quietly into the night
When Bill Clinton visited Bluffton, SC to rally people to vote for Hillary, he met the ire of a former Marine Drill Sgt. who spoke out against Hillary's lies...
The idea that the IRS is targeting Trump because he's a "strong Christian" is absurd on every level.
1) Trump has favorability ratings that make him unelectable: The American public is very familiar with Donald Trump and people hate his guts. Trumps current favorable/unfavorable rating is 34/58. Just as a point of comparison, the two biggest landslides in history were against Jimmy Carter (33/58) and Walter Mondale (34/40). Trump is so unpopular with the general electorate that we might as well be running Jared Fogle or Bill Cosby.

Ben Shapiro: Donald Trump Is A Liar

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro takes on the myth that Donald Trump is a truth-teller.
Another batch of emails were released yesterday and the rest are mandated by a judge to be released by Monday.

Global Warming Hiatus Is Real

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Global Warming Hiatus is Real
Trump calls Cruz a liar, but the Cruz campaign is exposing just what a liar Donald Trump is. The guy just flat out lies and makes stuff up. Watch this. Donald Trump and universal health care?…
In an essay to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Anne Frank's stepsister accused Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump of "acting like another Hitler."
Rubio took aim at Trump’s manhood, portraying him as a coward.
Does “greasy and tasteless” remind you of anyone?
Free Beacon writer Stephen Gutowski tweeted on Friday that presidential candidate Donald Trump was “openly praising” Senate Minority leader Harry Reid “for attacking Romney over his tax returns when Romney was running against Obama.” Trump’s praise for Reid comes in the wake of criticism of Trump by Senator Ted Cruz during Thursday’s GOP debate in Houston [...]
"Sometimes running for president involves crashing a bachelor party."
Being reminded of urgent issues seems to push voters toward the "electable" candidate. Why?