In theory, Sen. Bernie Sanders plan to use Section 121 of the Dodd-Frank Act to break up the big banks sounds plausible. In practice, it won t ever happen. Here s why.
A FRUSTRATED refugee centre worker has revealed shocking incidents of cheating, death threats and demands for a luxury life from migrants.
Republican Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio takes my question on pandering to the religious right, standing up for the rights of atheists and non-theistic Am...
Hillary Clinton has pulled strings to get another debate! ...Shocker!
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES If you want to really know who is feared in a campaign, follow the money. The money shows right now that for all the media attention around Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and all the poll analysis, the candidate who is being targeted the most by the others with attack ads is Marco Rubio, while Cruz is facing very | Read More »
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With both companies struggling on the stock market, Dorsey has fallen out of the three-comma club with a net worth of $944m, Forbes reports
“What Trump is doing that the others may not be doing as well is attracting nontraditional voters,”
Cruz failed to disclose a loan that helped to fund his first Senate bid. Legally, he probably doesn’t need to worry. Politically, it’s a liability.
Texas Sen. [crscore]Ted Cruz[/crscore] told Fox News host Sean Hannity Wednesday that if Donald Trump is elected president, he will continue the "cronyism and bailouts" that has characterized the Obam
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Countdown to Jan 20, 2017. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds ticking down to 0
Syed Hamid Husain, 27, exchanged fire with attackers before being killed himself, students said, buying time for some of them to escape.
A new documentary about the 2013 mayoral run of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner could be the latest thorn in the side of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Television legend Norman Lear does not believe Donald Trump will become the next President of the United States.
If you are having trouble seeing the video above, go here. I hear friends say Ted Cruz sounds like a preacher. They say he is using the gospel to round up voters. They don?t like it and they …
In his bid for president, Ted Cruz has sought to capitalize on voters’ anti-Washington mood by highlighting his victories as Texas solicitor general and his fights on the Senate floor. But only...
Rubio finally addressed concerns about due process rights in campus sexual assault cases.
Yesterday morning, I posted THIS about how I felt that Ted Cruz shouldn't criticize my mom over the speculation that she might endorse Donald Trump.
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are both senators from the conservative wing of the Republican party looking to amplify their small differences in the GOP primary.
Returning standard bankruptcy protections to student loans should be a no-brainer.
Rand: 'Boggles My Mind' That Any Tea Partier Supports 'Not a Conservative Trump' Who 'Supposedly Supported' Obama In '08
American actress Stacey Dash said Wednesday in a segment on 'Fox & Friends' that celebrating the achievements of only black people further promotes