A jaw-dropping video catches BLM employees bragging about how they swindle land from private property owners at pennies on the dollar.
Donald Trump is once again confounding pollsters, politicos, the media, Democrats, Republicans, and his GOP rivals as a just-released Florida Atlantic University poll has him garnering (by far) the greatest support among Hispanic Republican voters in Florida. Jeb Bush in particular thought he would entice the Hispanic population with his repeated overtures to his own …
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio's speech calling on "ending the corporate greed" of the coal, oil and gas industries may have garnered polite applause at the World Economic Forum, but it's getting a skeptical reception in Alberta.
Speaking at Davos, Facebook’s COO said the company believes ‘counterspeech’ by the online community is the best way to combat propaganda
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Just like all the other conservative positions that Donald Trump allegedly holds, the evidence is mounting that he has been an immigration hardliner for about five minutes. Courtesy of Ann Coulter, who somehow thought this would help Trump, here is a tweet from Donald Trump in 2013, explaining that his position is exactly the same as Marco Rubio’s:   | Read More »
"Fascism" is a pretty fun catch word in today's politics. Usually applied to extreme "right-wingers", allow me to make a case for why Bernie Sanders is the m...
Real estate magnate Donald Trump is "crushing" his Republican opponents in the Sunshine State, according to a new poll of likely Florida voters released Wednesday.
We have never had total war against a candidate like we're seeing with Donald Trump. All elements of national media are uniting to stop him.
I have always watched from afar the violent nature of left wing protesters, mainly through my Facebook feed, YouTube videos, and personal stories my friends have relayed. I knew these people were violent and they see no problem in using violence to get what they want... #left #leftwing #leftist
The federal government wants to ensure that Mexican-American men are getting enough exercise and so they have developed a "low cost strategy" to do so -- remind them to engage in physical activity via text message. The Health Department's National Institutes of Health have spent $406,875 thus far of taxpayer dollars to fund a study conducted by the University of California, San Diego.
The wild-eyed socialist Bernie Sanders is really a Marxist in disguise.
Now the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy has its anti-Clinton tentacles all the way into the Obama administration. At least, that’s the new excuse from Team Hillary on why the e-mail mess keeps getting w...
Ryan’s Strategy to ‘Keep the American People Safe’ Fails: U.S. to Issue Visas to 300,000 Muslim Migrants
Your vote for Donald Trump after reading this... CONTINUE READING
Sarah Palin's endorsement of Donald Trump shows what happens when we put personality over principle.
Trump has made the issue of Cruz's eligibility for the presidency one of his leading charges against his rival.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
How would a President Donald Trump approach defending the right to life?
Wednesday, January 20, 2016: GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump held a massive campaign Rally in Tulsa, OK with Governor Sarah Palin at the Mabee Center...
According to a columnist for the Duke University student newspaper, America's "obsession with the First Amendment" is really just "an expression of white supremacy." "I am thinking about how an urg
Bob Dole said that the Republican Party would suffer “cataclysmic” and “wholesale losses” if Ted Cruz was the Republican nominee, and that Donald J. Trump would fare better.
Top Republican contender thinks that if Hillary Clinton is indicted for her email server, the vice president could step up
In Norway, migrants are being given courses to prevent violence against women, especially rape, and to teach them how to interpret customs in a country that may seem surprisingly liberal to them. The courses were introduced several years ago, but have become particularly topical after complaints of mass sexual assault on New Year's Eve in the German city of Cologne, by a crowd of mostly Arab and North African men. "The idea behind this course is to talk about risk situations that can arise when it comes to rapes and sexual assaults," the group's leader Linda Hagen says, kicking off the class in Norwegian, with an interpreter translating to Arabic.
A new report from DHS said 90 percent of last year's overstayers are still here.