Bomb Threats Force Evacuations in Malls Across Three states on Saturday
Immigrant rights activists have vowed to sign up 1 million immigrants — mostly Mexicans — for citizenship and then quickly register them to vote in time to punish Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans at the polls in November for their harsh rhetoric.
Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the climate agreement reached this week in Paris did not contain any enforcement provisions because Congress would not have approved them. It doesn't have mandatory targets for reduction and it doesn't have an enforcement, compliance mechanism, Kerry said during an interview on Fox News Sunday. Kerry said such mechanisms were not included because Congress would have refused to greenlight the deal. Binding legal requirements would have made the Paris agreement a treaty, requiring approval from two-thirds of the Senate. Because no climate change measure could close to the high bar in the chamber, the Paris deal was written to avoid it. Kerry also said he hopes the climate agreement will send a very powerful message to the marketplace about where they should place their energy investments. Critics have said the climate deal's lack of enforceable requirements could render it useless given the fact that countries will face no punishment for breaking the agreement.
A former she-male hooker, only a year out of jail on a fraud conviction, just received a full "sex change" operation, courtesy of taxpayers.
Japan's prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.
Candidates on both sides of the aisle have weighed in on ways to fix the broken VA.
Gloria Steinem: Men Regress to Childhood When They See ‘a Powerful Woman’ Like Hillary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidates Chris Christie and Rand Paul will be in the prime-time lineup for the party's next presidential debate, CNN said on Sunday. Donald Trump will hold center stage as the party front-runner on the main stage on Tuesday night in Las Vegas, CNN said, flanked by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Ted Cruz, who took the lead in an Iowa opinion poll on Saturday. ...
Background A recent paper (1) published by The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy discusses the conflict between the educational objectives desired by the general public and the d...
The obstacles facing this weekend’s historic global climate change accord were thrown into relief on Sunday night when businesses and government officials downplayed the impact of the deal and US Republicans underlined their opposition. The Paris
Mark Zuckerberg-backed bill, the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared), has taken on new significance following San Bernardino.
Eujin Jaela Kim, a public school principal in Brooklyn, has banned virtually all celebrations that run afoul of political correctness.
Tells an audience in Paris to never underestimate that power being used "in the service of good."
Leading from behind indeed.
This story was shared by a friend, and is about his seven year old son, Sage, and is shared with their enthusiastic consent. We had wanted to use a photo of Sage with Santa to accompany this sharin...
The billionaire is keeping us all from focusing on just how terrible the Democratic frontrunner really is on everything.
Cruz currently has the highest favorability rating of any Republican candidate for President.

Ted Cruz's Plan to Defeat ISIS

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Whatever is necessary and required”

How Ted Cruz plans to win

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Cruz is taking a hands-off attitude toward Trump while going after rival Rubio.
The President of Gambia Yahya Jammeh has declared his Muslim-majority country an Islamic republic.
Nine candidates will appear in prime-time Tuesday night for the final Republican presidential primary debate of 2015, a critical event that will help shape the contest heading into the Iowa caucuses.

MORE HUGE polling for Ted Cruz!!

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Yesterday we had a Des Moines Register poll, that Trump doubted because they hate him, that showed Ted Cruz is pummeling him in Iowa. Today we have another faked poll from Faux News that hates Trum…
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is confident he will make the mainstage GOP debate Tuesday
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