
Economics: Is raising minimum wage to $15 a bad idea? Professor Don Boudreaux explains why raising minimum wage actually hurts the economy instead of improvi...


"Marco's Pathway" is the name of the ad just released by the Ted Cruz camp that utterly crucifies Marco Rubio's stance on illegal aliens and immigration. The ad shows big Dem heavyweights, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, and members of the press praising Marco Rubio as the key supporter of amnesty. According to CNN's Ted Schleifer, the Super-Pac that put out the clip is spending big money to make sure Rubio voters rethink their support.


Three truths fuel Donald Trump. One, Barack Obama is the Dr. Frankenstein of the supposed Trump monster.


Nominations for the 2016 Oscars have been announced, and "The Revenant" is leading with 12, including for best picture, and "Mad Max: Fury Road" is just behind with 10.


Reality hit last month when a financial report that showed the cost of single-payer program would nearly double the size of the state’s budget in the first year alone and require large tax increases.


Following Obama's executive gun control announcement, the White House emailed "talking points" to celebrities which they, in turn, tweeted out in support.


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton announced her official acceptance of the Planned Parenthood endorsement in the Presidential election, stating that their support reinforces her commitment to women’s &...


The president also cautioned his fans at the University of Nebraska Omaha that he can't serve 'four more years' because the Constitution forbids it – and 'because Michelle would kill me!'


A Portland musician says he has felt a calling to travel to an ISIS-ravaged region of Syria in an effort to spread a message of peace.


Cruz tells POLITICO in an exclusive interview about his retooled and aggressive debate strategy.


11,000 people came to see Trump tonight. And several thousand more were turned away.


Powerball is a government-sponsored gambling racket in which the feds automatically skim 25% off the top of a lump-sum cash award, mega-winners are taxed at the highest federal income tax bracket (nearly 40%), while those who live in states with personal income taxes could pay up to an additional 9% and local municipal taxes can add another 3% to 5% to the tax burden.


President Obama's eighth veto of his presidency came last Friday, when he quietly nixed legislation passed by Congress to repeal major portions of Obamacare. By allowing the crippled health care law to remain on life support for all of 2016, Obama and the Democrats handed Republicans a winning campaign issue for retaking the White House in 2017.


Islamisation: Germany’s Tele5 TV Channel Puts Muslim Star And Crescent On Logo


They brought about such degeneration of Europe, those bandits, that even Germans are not safe in their own country! Germans, that were supposed to be that fo...


Should he be elected president, Republican front-runner Donald Trump doesn't plan to give up on tweeting. But he may turn it down a notch.


Party loyalty has limits. Mr. Trump has altered the political equation because he has altered the moral equation.


If parading American sailors with their hands in the air constitutes an “appropriate response” by Iran, as Secretary of State John Kerry says, what’s unacceptable? Nothing, apparently — given Team ...


Normally I don’t care much for candidate endorsements unless they are pretty significant, and I think this one qualifies: Now that is an endorsement I can get behind. I hope they air that in …


A breakdown of the only Iowa public poll that the political class takes seriously.


TED CRUZ: Polls show Donald Trump 'loses to Hillary — and loses by a pretty big margin'


Ted Cruz, now locked in a struggle to the political death with reigning campaign champion Donald Trump, faces a make-or-break night at the GOP debate Thursday night. Proving his mettle as a candidate worthy of his post-season position, Cruz has ruggedly endured a sustained week of media battering over Trump’s birtherism blitz, losing little ground. Trump’s all-out offensive raising questions about Cruz’s eligibility because of his birth in Canada – widely held to be a non-issue by constitutional experts ? has arrested Cruz’s upward momentum but not caused a collapse. But while Cruz has barely dropped in the polls as a result, he cannot merely survive under siege from Trump if he means to win the nomination. That is where Thursday’s GOP debate hosted by Fox Business News comes into play. Cruz desperately needs to change the conversation ? and the dynamic of the last several weeks ? and find a way to balance his previous semi-alliance with Trump with


Last night’s speech was essentially a long, overly theatrical, staged production of lies. 2016’s State of the Union was the farthest thing from all-American candor. “It’s not even close” as President Obama likes to say.


Wahab has fired the first volley at the New Zealand side, warning the Kiwis of a pace test when they face Pakistan.


Europeans — especially women and cops — are stocking up on guns for personal protection in the wake of the New Year's Eve refugee sex attacks. The number of gun permits issued has recently quadrupl...