
Sen. John McCain recently cast doubt over whether Ted Cruz is enough of a natural-born citizen to meet the qualifications to become president under U.S. Const. art. II, § 1, cl. 5.


Chelsea Clinton made her way around New Hampshire today in attempt to convince voters that they should support her mother, Hillary Clinton, as the next president.
Bernie Sanders, Clinton's chief rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, is practically tied with Clinton in voter polls. He...


Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.


Just hours before Barack Obama was to give his final State of the Union Speech, his Charmberlain-esque appeasement of Iran has reared its ugly head.


Long after her harrowing account fell apart, an accuser’s identity is still protected by journalistic tradition


FEMINISM has gone TOO FAR and "positive action" needs to encourage more boys to study degrees, according to the woman in charge of British university admissions.


Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media has the story:
An RCMP planning document shown to The Rebel states that the new RCMP hijab is set to be revealed later this month. This news was leaked to us by people within the RCMP who said they were concerned about the inherent sexism of using a symbol of the oppression of Muslim women, as an official symbol of Canada’s secular police force.


I find that people who call out other people and opposing analysis as ideological are themselves ideologues. They cannot see political differences as other than ideological cat fights. This is rath...


"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."


"I think he may shift in his new rallies to play ‘New York, New York' because he comes from New York and he embodies New York values."


What happened when Hillary and John McCain went head-to-head in a vodka drinking competition? SUBSCRIBE for the latest news and updates from the Hillary Clin...


White privilege? Where does she start? Hillary Clinton has so benefitted from white privilege she couldn't even begin to describe how.


What if Y'all Qaeda gave up cattle ranching and grew soybeans instead?


Ten U.S. Navy sailors were detained on Tuesday by Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces when one of their boats became disabled in the Persian Gulf.


One of the standard assumptions of political punditry is that the 2016 presidential election is the Democratic Party’s race to lose. There is some truth...


Ten American sailors were being held in Iranian custody after two small U.S. naval craft apparently briefly entered Iranian territorial waters, a U.S. senior defense official said Tuesday.


By resisting capitalism, socialists are embracing an economic system that guarantees poverty and misery for the most amount of people. FOLLOW Paul Joseph Wat...


There’s a big give-away that liberals are making claims about the purported dangers of welfare reform they can’t support. Even without taking the safety net into account, poverty is lower than it was at its pre-welfare-reform peak in 1993. Share on Facebook Share...


Cruz handled the situation in a way we have come to expect from the Texas Senator.


Cruz is campaigning in New Hampshire on Tuesday.


The Pentagon says Iran has assured it that the crew and vessels will be returned.


Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Friday hinted at a “merit system” for some of the approximately 11 million illegal immigrants in the country while saying that “we take the bad ones and get ‘em the hell out.”


According to the abortion company, 'people living with HIV have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status.'