The latest release of Hillary Clinton emails entails real risks for her, churning just beneath the surface of her successful primary campaign. True, Democratic voters have shown little interest, and...
Republicans kept their 2014 promise to the voters who put them in control of Congress, passing legislation to repeal Obamacare. The bill, which also blocked federal funding of Planned Parenthood, easily passed the House last week by a vote of 240 to 181, after having passed the Senate last month, 52 to 47 along party lines.
Turns out having a gun helps. Who knew?
The Republican Establishment’s choice to be the next President of the United States, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, is said to have sent operatives to engage in off the books discussions with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley last month. The meeting was the brainchild of two significant Republican donors who have indicated a strong desire to …
In early September of 2015 Donald Trump went on Bill O'Reilly to talk about the Syrian refugees.

Cruz Commander

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

January 13, 2016
Where fact and fiction meet.
Under a proposed law, asylum seekers who arrive with more than about $1,450 in cash would have to give up belongings like gold and jewelry to finance their stay.
In the last week, Trump has said that Cruz should seek a legal ruling over whether Cruz is a "natural-born citizen."
Former Obama advisor and CNN contributor Van Jones said Tuesday that we are witnessing a “full-on rebellion” within the Democratic Party against Hillary
More than six years after the economic expansion began, 93% of counties in the U.S. have failed to fully recover from the blow they suffered during the recession.
Which is more pathetic: that Iran demanded a U.S apology, or that these ships suffered mechanical failure in a critical situation?
President Obama laid out goals for the country in his last year in office during his final State of the Union address Tuesday. His approval rating stands at ...
Phil Robertson, star of one of the nation’s most popular reality television shows just made Sen. Ted Cruz a happy, happy, happy presidential candidate.
Yvette Cormier's plans to appeal the judge's ruling, according to her attorney, who called the decision "reckless" in a prepared statement.
Sen. Marco Rubio filed legislation Tuesday that would change decades of special treatment Cuban immigrants have enjoyed under U.S. law.
Republican presidential frontrunner reacts to President Obama's final State of the Union address
If The Washington Post column Kathleen Parker is to be believed, Republican Ted Cruz said in a speech recently that Jesus Christ should rise from the grave a...
Sen. Rand Paul says that in the most recent Des Moines Register poll, he leads Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina, so he sees no reason why his campaign should be reduced to second tier.
The House will conduct a do-over later this month after too few members made it on time.
GOP presidential frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump tells Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that the women who former President Bill Clinton has allegedly targeted, including Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and others, have “gone through a lot.”
According to conventional wisdom, the GOP nominates the guy whose turn it is, while the Democrats look for a savior. As Bill Clinton once said, “In every presidential election, Democrats want to fall in love. Republicans just fall in line.”
The sight of members of the American military, disarmed and under Iranian control, is of enormous propaganda value in Iran's ongoing war against the United States.
This was no friendly maritime assist by Iran. It was a coordinated humiliation of Barack Obama by a regime that has embarrassed the president at every turn.