The United States' gun violence in global context.
A Muslim woman wearing a hijab was escorted out of Donald Trump's campaign event on Friday by police after she stood up in silent protest during Trump's speech.
Trailing Trump and Cruz in the latest poll are Rubio at 13 percent and Ben Carson at 10 percent.
Barack Obama's argument on guns is one giant appeal to emotion.

Can Cruz Control Iowa?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Sioux Center, Iowa -- Ted Cruz was running a few minutes late for his appearance at Dordt College, having to reply to the latest provocation from Donald Trump without angering the erratic businessman. Earlier in the day, Trump had wondered aloud whether Cruz might be ineligible for the presidency because he was born in Canada. Cruz has sedulously avoided criticizing Trump, even as he eagerly attacks other candidates. So Cruz once again offered a kind of jocular nonresponse response. He tweeted “My response to @realdonaldtrump calling into question my natural born citizenship? with a link to the Happy Days episode in which The Fonz strapped on water skis and, still sporting his trademark leather jacket, zipped off a ramp and flew half a football field before splashing onto the water below. Jumping the shark was added to the American lexicon to indicate the moment something novel or entertaining stops being so. Before his town hall, the Texas senator spoke in an anteroom, seeking to downplay Trump's troublemaking and scolding reporters for asking about the exchange.
In its latest dump of 3,000-plus Hillary Clinton e-mails, the State Department found another 66 to be classified, pushing the total over 1,300. But two of the non-classified messages were eye-opene...
The rash of rapes by Muslim men in Cologne on New Year’s Eve follows an established blueprint for conquering the West through aggressive proselytism.
In many European cities, mobs of Muslim immigrants rape, rob, and assault women with virtual impunity as officials seek to avoid conflict.

Milo Yiannopoulos on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“I've been sat on the naughty table!”
Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz said Friday that if he is elected president, he would leave an empty seat at the State of the Union address to represent "the over 50 million unborn children killed since Roe." The Texas senator made his comment in response to President Barack...
There was no there, there.
This is a problem. And not just for conservative Christian applicants to grad school.
The attacks have sounded the alarm bell in Germany over the consequences of mass migration. Victim Michelle (pictured) described being surrounded by a group of 30 'angry' men.
The release next week of “13 Hours: the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” — which tells the true story of the security contractors who responded to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya — may force Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton to wade back into a debate she hoped would be behind her, political watchdogs said.
The Obama administration has pushed our livelihood to the brink.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
The American Founding generation fought a long, bloody war to free themselves from a tyrannical government, only to see the people eventually embrace the very system they struggled to throw off. That may seem like a stinging indictment, but careful examination of U.S. governance today reveals that it rests on essentially the same philosophical foundation as the 18th century British system Americans rejected. The founding generation developed a brand new conception of government, resting it on the consent of the governed and the idea that governing institutions must operate within constitutional constraints. Today, we still see the vestiges of those founding ideals in political rhetoric and popular conscience, but the U.S. government long ago threw off constitutional fetters and now functions much like the English system Americans fought to free themselves from. In Rights of Man, Thomas Paine captured the essence of American constitutionalism that evolved during the Revolution,
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called for a convention of states to pass amendments to the Constitution, in what he is calling "The Texas Plan."
It's been a busy week for Obama. Let's break down his "Town Hall" on gun control with Anderson Cooper... More at http://louderwithcrowder.com Follow me on Tw...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES You really have to hand it to the Clintons. If nothing else, they are some of the ballsiest liars on the face of the earth. If Billy Mays were resurrected from the dead and asked to pitch the latest thing Hillary Clinton is selling, he would no doubt respond, ?Sorry, I have my professional reputation to think about.? The facts, | Read More

Christopher Hitchens vs Islam

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Christopher Hitchens talks about why Islam is dangerous