
Despite how leftists try to sugarcoat it, the Australian gun "buyback" program was mandatory.


Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Reza Aslan Wants to See a Muslim “All in the Family” Berlin: Muslims hold memorial ceremony for jihad murderer Samir Kuntar


GRAND RAPIDS (WKZO-AM) -- Michigan's Republican National Committeeman is urging fellow Republicans in Congress to impeach President Obama.
"The RNC has done nothing to stop Obama," Dave Agema said. "What I'm doing is, essentially, pushing someone to do the right thing, and I think there comes a point and time when politics need to be set a...


?But we are the only advanced country on Earth that sees this kind of mass violence erupt with this kind of frequency. It doesn’t happen in other advanced countries. It’s not even close. And as I’ve said before, somehow we’ve become numb to it and we start thinking that this is normal.? –President Obama, announcing his new ?


His plus-27 favorability rating in mid-July has now declined to minus-1.


An email released by the State Department shows Hillary ordering an aid to remove classified markings from a document and send it via un-secure email.


President Barack Obama on Friday vetoed legislation that would have repealed Obamacare and cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood


Bob Hope was one of the funniest comedians back in the day. And, you never know when those hoards of zombie democrats will be coming for ya...


Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina weighed in on what she called the “odd” circumstances of her Canadian-born rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’s citizenship on Thursday.


Republican branding problems and stances on social issues could keep this group from turning out.


If Obama wanted to assure people that he wasn’t a crazy idiot or a tyrant, he probably shouldn’t have smugly smirked about the American founding as an example of a “conspiracy the…


Just a week after mass assaults against women by a group of Arab and North African men in the German city of Cologne, the authorities are cracking down on ha...


The House will hold a vote to override President Obama's veto Friday of a bill that would gut most of his signature health insurance reform law.
House Speaker Paul Ryan pledged to take the Republican effort to end the law all the way to the end under the Constitution.
Lawmakers lack the two-thirds majority needed in both chambers to override a veto of the repeal bill, which the House passed Wednesday.
But Republicans hope to show their conservative base that they have done everything in their power to try to undo Obamacare, which critics say has raised health care insurance costs, forced people to give up their own plans and narrowed health care choices.
Ryan said even though Congress can't end the law this year, Obamacare will collapse under its own weight or it will be repealed under a GOP president in 2017.
Obamacare will be gone, Ryan said. And then, for all the people who have seen their premiums go up, for people who have lost their plan or their doctor, for people who have to deal with all the mandates, the restrictions, and the red tape, we can replace this law with a truly patient-centered health care system.


Donald Trump threatens to withhold £700m of investment in Scotland if he is banned from entering the UK.


In a display of mind-boggling incompetence (at best), the United States government shipped a Hellfire missile via commercial carrier, and the missile ended up in Cuba, maybe, because they?re …


Philadelphia Mayor: Shooting of cop in name of Islam had


Breitbart Tech co-editor Milo Yiannopoulos joined Breitbart News Daily with host Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow to discuss how progressives and social media networks are manipulating and censoring discussions and the news.


As President Barack Obama addressed the nation about "Guns in America" on Thursday night, Democrats proved once again they expect Americans to do as they say, not as they do. How ironic for an administration that got caught supplying guns to Mexico through the "Fast and Furious" scandal...


Written by Harry Khachatrian
Taking a stroll down utopia-lane on Sanders’ campaign website reveals a whole slew of data and information that is – how do I put this – either a deliberate misreprese...


From China's stock market to the American economy, politicians' clumsy efforts to fix prices only make things much worse.


Speaker Paul Ryan said any of the GOP candidates would be an improvement.


A new inspector general report faults the leadership at the State Department.