After 20 years of evading joining the NRA, I finally did it last week. I've never been a huge fan of the NRA because, despite the fearsome extremist image the mainstream media tries to hang on it, ...
The Taliban claimed responsibility for a truck bomb attack on a compound for civilian contractors near Kabul airport on Monday, hours after a suicide bomber blew himself up in the latest in a series of attacks in the Afghan capital over the past week.
The fallout of Saudi Arabia's execution of a Shiite cleric is spreading beyond a spat between the Saudis and Iranians, as other Middle East nations choose sides.
“The thing the president should be doing … is enforcing the laws that we have.”
"A student posted that she was..."
The latest epside of Conversations With Bill Kristol features Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
A best-selling author and fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and the American Enterprise Institute, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a brave, impassioned, and provocative analyst of the problems in Islam today, including the dangers of what she calls 'Islamic totalitarianism.' In this conversation, Hirsi Ali narrates her own experiences as a young woman in Kenya attracted by radical Islam and explains the dangerous allure of Islamism to youth all over the world. She calls on Westerners to assert the superiority of liberal societies to political Islam—and argues that our current obsession with multiculturalism and political correctness has rendered us ill-equipped to do so, writes the Foundation for Constitutional Government, the sponsor of the series.
From YNN: Former First Lady Hillary Clinton is the current darling of the liberal media and the frontrunner for Democratic nomination for the 2016 presidential election. However, a new video could …
Be a Dem, pass a law, get a free pass.
Gavin McInnes Gives a Master Class How to Troll a Feminist Til She's Shaking with Rage Gavin McInnes Gives a Master Class How to Troll a Feminist Til She's ....
Then Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) warned Congress and the American people against arming the Bureau of Land Management, the agency that surrounded the Bundy Ranch with more than 250 armed agents, including snipers a couple of weeks ago. Paul gave a passionate speech on the floor of the House in 1997 declaring the reasons that …
Barack Obama is feckless, Hillary Clinton is corrupt, Donald Trump gives us whiplash, and ISIS continues to attack us, but at least SpaceX had a marvelous la...
Milton Friedman explodes the myth that government can provide goods and services at no one's expense. Full video available for purchase at www.ideachannel.co...
More and more Iowa Republican power brokers are said to be increasingly confident that Donald Trump will lose and lose badly during the February 1st Iowa Caucus vote. “They are hoping to push Trump down into a third place finish.” —————————- The most recent polling data shows Trump just a few points behind Senator …
A year after Protective Edge, which Israel won militarily but lost PR-wise, evidence surfaces of a particularly cynical Hamas stunt.
On Friday a French soldier was injured when a driver tried to mow over a group of soldiers outside a ...
I'm not sure when this was filmed.. I visited Russia several time on productions. Coming from LA LA Land (USA) I was amazed by the condition of the country.....
Mayor Rahm Emanuel desperately seeks a way out of the government union trap.
The RNC, or Republican National Committee, may use the tactics it used to stifle Ron Paul in 2012 to handle a possible f…
From the early 90s or late 80s. Great interview.
Ben Shapiro interviews Ann Coulter about her new book, Adios America, and the demographic destruction being wrought on America via irresponsible immigration ...
A federal judge rejected mandatory minimums for Dwight and Steven Hammond as unconstitutional; an appeals court disagreed.
Why do we keep listening to the same people who've been completely wrong for the last two decades?
Ted Cruz is doing considerably better in polls of Iowa than he is in national polls. Chris Christie is doing better in New Hampshire than he is with all Americans. Donald Trump is doing worse in bo…