For years, Rubio has pressed leaders in his party to repeal the “risk corridor” provisions in Obamacare.
The presidential campaign of Rand Paul on Wednesday accused CNN of political bias after newly released 2013 emails seemed to suggest that one of the news channel's reporters counseled a State Department official working for then-Secretary Hillary Clinton on how to write tweets critical of the Kentucky senator.
Despite failing several physical fitness tests, the former EMT was named a “priority hire” due to past experiences of discrimination.

GOP in panic over Trump

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The billionaire's popularity is still strong as the Iowa caucuses get closer.
Haters from the Rubio camp and armchair quarterbacks have better come to terms with the fact that Senator Ted Cruz is very much "electable."
Even as Hillary Clinton is upping her anti-Wall Street rhetoric, here comes word that the Clinton Foundation is running a private-equity company down in Colombia. The private-equity field is where ...
Ted Cruz embodies the true spirit of America. Obama – what a turkey. Cruz addressed our rich history and how it began with the pilgrims who gave their lives to
In a bubble, there are two candidates that the Democrats fear. Some see Marco Rubio?s boyish charm and knack for political expediency as appealing to independents, putting him as a top target…
How one academic paper partially derailed the fight against campus rape.
Some individuals on Twitter accused the NFL team of being insensitive Thursday.
A religious-freedom advocacy group has filed its second grievance in as many weeks with the Army, again demanding that imagery featuring a red crucifix be removed from Army signage — and this time, insisting the aviation unit involved change its logo and its nickname.
"This is what you've created."
Richard Amerling, M.D. Our feckless president’s reckless push to bring “refugees” from Syria, who are 97% Muslim and mostly men of fighting age, into the United States is analogous to his open border policy regarding potential Ebola carriers.
Republicans must illuminate an unmistakable nexus of leftist policy.
Rich, white leftists are the only demographic of Americans that want more Syrian Muslim Refugees, according to the latest Economist/YouGov poll. A majority of Americans are not in favor of resettling Muslim refugees.
Written by Harry Khachatrian That’s right a government worker who’s salary you pay spent $5000 on a grotesque, vulgar hit piece against conservatives
Sweden, a country tearing itself apart with out-of-control Muslim immigration has glorified an ISIS gesture on state TV.

The Cost of Redistributing Wealth

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

A question for philosophers and politicians, not economists.
Ann Coulter author of Adios America has a lot to say about the ongoing struggle with the refugee crisis and debate, and our President’s inability to defend t...
Americans keep being hectored to take "refugees" from terrorist-producing countries because to do otherwise would be "a betrayal of our values," as President Obama said on Monday.

Walter E. Williams - Free Speech

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Recent events at the University of Missouri, Yale University and some other colleges demonstrate an ongoing ignorance and/or contempt for the principles of free speech. So let's examine some of those principles by asking: What is the true test of one's commitment to free speech?
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(Language warning): Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media says -- Americans are very different from Canadians. I'm a Canadian who has lived here for 15 years and h...
Both Benjamin Netanyahu and Winston Churchill warned the world of mortal dangers that others ignored, in hopes that those dangers would go away. Some didn't listen.
The Left is intent on turning family celebrations into political shouting matches.