
The trio spent much of 2015 on the presidential campaign trail.


The H-2 guest worker program, which brought in 150,000 legal foreign workers last year, isn't supposed to deprive any American of a job. But many businesses go to extraordinary lengths to deny jobs...


Someone's not gonna be happy...


“Congress has completely succumbed to the pressure to use one American to serve the purposes of another.”


'We are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction,' scholar says.


"If you challenged them..."


Real-estate mogul Donald Trump took another apparent shot at presidential rival and US Sen. Ted...


Florida Sen. Marco Rubio called for a convention of the states to amend the Constitution to push for term limits, a balanced budget and other measures. “One of the first things I will do when I am in office is ... put the weight of the presidency...


"Conflict of interest for 8 million, Alex."


‘Campaign Against Antisemitism’ demands broadcaster give caller’s phone number to police following racist diatribe


By Alec Rooney
A recent story from The Houston Chronicle goes into great detail about how
Muslims in that Texas city are “on edge” after bloody, high-profile
terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif.
They’re afraid someone might attack or hurt them, for crimes they didn’t
commit. They worry that angry people will target them for things they
didn’t do.
My initial reaction? WELCOME TO THE CLUB.
(Read more)


Tuesday, December 29, 2015: GOP Presidential candidate and front-runner Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Council Bluffs, IA and spoke to thousands of fi...


The first family's Christmas vacation to Hawaii two years ago cost over $8 million, says Judicial Watch.


How shall we remember 2015? Or shall we try to forget it?
It is always hard to know when a turning point has been reached, and usually it is long afterwards before we recognize it. However, if 2015...


A small group of protesters gathered outside Mayor Rahm Emanuel 's North Side home Tuesday, when he was expected to cut short a family vacation in Cuba so he could tend to another high-profile police-involved shooting.


The woman was marched into the yard of the Baiturrahumim Mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia and lashed five times after allegedly showing affectionate behaviour to a fellow student.


A Houston mosque was torched on Christmas Day. On Tuesday a devout Muslim attendee was charged with setting the blaze. ...


In late 2014, members of Clemson University’s Coalition of Concerned Students (CCS) were setting the stage for what would become a louder drumbeat of campus protests over allegedly racially insensitive behavior. Their list of demands, presented to Clemson administrators in an effort to rectify perceived racial inequality on campus, were among the first in the recent wave of such demands to be presented by students to administrators at dozens of colleges nationwide. But among the students’ seven demands—which included requests for increased affirmative action, the creation of a multicultural center as a “safe space” for minority students, and diversity training ?


Hillary Clinton is hypocritical to call the mogul sexist while putting her husband on the campaign trail.


Rand Paul gives his take on Donald Trump’s criticism of Bill Clinton’s sexism.


The revelation that the NSA has been spying on Netanyahu's conversations with Congress is the worst partisan abuse of power by Obama.


“History doesn't repeat itself. The media does. So too does a Republican Establishment that has seen all its more winnable moderates from Dole to McCain to Romney lose.”The media typically begins any Presidential campaign with comparisons to Harry Truman. The Reagan re-election in 1984 had the comparison. The Bush re-election in 1992 had the comparison. The Clinton re-election in 1996 had the comparison. Humorously, the | Read More »


Steyn: Why Is Bill Cosby Finished While Bill Clinton Is Not? --- ‘Like Racism Thing’


“We feel very positive about it [Convention of States],” says Rubio.