
Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum faults Bill Clinton for apparently spreading a rumor that his wife had a late-term abortion in the late 90s and covered it up.


Donald Trump has a growing lead among likely primary voters in New Hampshire, and both he and Marco Rubio have gained ground in the state since September, according to a new CNN/WMUR poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.


"2008 Obama would have slammed 2014 Obama for this.


The media never stops banging on about women's health, but how much of healthy choice is the Pill really?


SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=17159 Every sexual assault victim deserves to be heard and believed, sayeth Hillary Clinton. Except for those wh...


America has often faced the threat of foreigners promoting radical ideologies, including Jacobinism, anarchism, communism, fascism, and now Islamism. It is an unavoidable consequence of mass immigration. The higher the level of immigration, the more likely it is that individuals espousing hatred and violence toward America will gain entry.


Immigration is not good for America. At least, not anymore. Immigration has benefitted our nation a great deal and it certainly can do so again, but as long as our current rules are in place, immigration can only hurt our country.


The mother of an injured Army veteran of the Iraq war is selling a rare letter from President Obama to cover her son's medical and personal expenses despite the president's handwritten promise to do everything we can over the next four years to support your family.
Cherry McKimmey told Secrets, Something good might as well come out of that. It is doing no good lying in my drawer. It means absolutely nothing to me.
She received the note from Obama in July 2009 after a non-stop effort to beg federal officials to help her son, David McKimmey.
McKimmey was campaigning for the the Veterans Administration to do more to help him recover from injuries for which he received the Bronze Star with Valor for crawling back into a truck fire to save two soldiers who eventually died. He suffered burns to his face and hands is still likely to lose his leg.


Since 2011, only 2% of Syrian refugees have been Christians, even though they comprise 10% of Syria’s pre-civil war population and are ...


Forget being transgender like Caitlyn Jenner or transracial like Rachel Dolezal, there’s a new “trans” frontier: people who are transage.


Mr. Trump pointed to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s actions toward Japanese, German and Italian aliens during World War II as precedent.


It makes a terrorist's deadly mission that much easier.


Normally it is highly unusual for the White House to comment on an ongoing presidential campaign that does not involve them. Mr. Obama appears unwilling to maintain that long-practiced rule. The Obama White House just indicated it believes Donald Trump is “disqualified” from being President of the United States. White House Press Secretary made …


The Republican presidential candidate mocked anyone who would take issue with his plan.


Donald Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner, has called for barring all Muslims from entering the United States.


Too many Muslim immigrants are angry rather than grateful toward their new country.


A Christmas tree erected on the campus of a West Bank university is decorated with pictures of Palestinian terrorists not traditional ornaments


Voters like Donald Trump not so much because they hate Mexicans and Muslims, but because they hate progressive bigotry.


"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough cut to commercial break on Tuesday morning after real-estate...


The budget office expects the workforce to shrink because of coverage expansions.


Those fears have become more acute after Obama’s Sunday evening address.


What difference does it make which army imperils the lives of innocent Christians?


Self-righteousness is liberating. The same people who are most exercised about guns in America, and want to ban and even confiscate entire categories of firearms, know little about them and evident...


Seven in 10 Republicans believe The Donald "tells it like it is."