
A large cargo of shotguns without transportation permits has been seized by the Italian police at the Port of Trieste. The 847 Turkish-made Winchester shotguns worth about €500,000 were on their way to Belgium.


If there is anything the left (and by extension the mainstream media) loves more than anything else, it is maintaining their own little narratives about events in the news. The same people who will scream bloody murder over the phrase "radical Islam" are the first to claim any violence directed at or near a Planned Parenthood facility is without a doubt, a radical right wing | Read More »


On November 28 Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump told supporters in Sarasota, Florida, that he is "Second Amendment 100%."


2703 Shootings, 440 Deaths Year-To-Date in Heavily Gun-Controlled Chicago


James Hansen says President selling "our children, and theirs, down the river."


Jihadists slaughtered 132 people in France this month while screaming “Allahu Akbar!” French Ambassador Gerard Araud told CNN this week ...


The Left has always adored the socialist orientation and progressive politics of Western Europe. For the Left, the United States is retrograde and often worse: a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, fat, lazy, patriarchal, imperialistic, White Supremacist bully. This begs the question why folks on the Left would willingly choose to live in what they perceive to be the ninth circle of Dante’s hell. Why not just move to Europe?


President Obama again turned to gun control as a potential solution to the horrific act


Where Else Can You Find Resist The Tyranny Website - http://www.resistthetyranny.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/resistthetyranny1776 Google+ - http...


The Texas Senator and Republican Presidential Candidate discusses the vision for his campaign. Sen. Ted Cruz was elected as the 34th U.S. Senator from Texas....


To hear Hillary Clinton tell it, she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, the conqueror of Mount Everest — even though she was already 6 years old when he made his famous ascent. On a visit to war-tor...


The Hill reports that the League of Conservation Voters hired actors Jeff Goldblum and Ed Begley, Jr. for a new video mocking opposition to President Obama’s plan to curtail emissions from power plants. You’d have to be a “selfish reptilian nincompoop” to oppose Obama. The web video, produced in tandem with Will Ferrell’s Funny or Die website, depicts nine utility executives who are angry about the Environmental Protection Agency’s plans.


When last month Ben Carson suggested that people confronted by a shooter should rush him en masse, ABC ran a story criticizing him, claiming that Carson "appears to be second-guessing" the victims of the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. But on ABC's Good Morning America today, in the wake of the mass shooting in Colorado Springs, guess what an expert suggested? "If you can get other people to go with you, that is extremely important, in fact, that's one of the teaching tools today in schools is everyone at mass start throwing stuff at the shooter and go at him." So, did GMA host Dan Harris criticize the expert for second-guessing the victims? Of course not. He's not a Republican running for office. Harris called the expert's suggestion "great advice."


Donald Trump talks about the other GOP candidates in a radio interview with Alan Colmes back in April 2015.


Sports and politics are an uneasy mix, but ESPN's "The Truth" columnist Howard Bryant sees no conflict from his end-zone perch at the back of ESPN's biweekly magazine. His column for the December 7 edition tackled a mini-scandal about the Pentagon paying for patriotic displays at professional ball games: "Are You Ready for Some Patriotism?" Bryant went beyond genuine concerns over the sub-rosa marketing by the Pentagon to criticize any such respectful acts as pandering to police. Going full p.c., Bryant even argued that Veterans Day was a slap in the face to American Indians.


Fueled by a recent spate of unnerving headlines and discomfiting polling data, the nation has been collectively sounding alarms over the next generation of Americans...


In the first video, Bill O’Reilly has former CIA Director James Woolsey on The Factor 3 days ago, and Director Woolsey certainly didn’t have anything positive to say about President Obama, although what he said was a lot more positive than what I...


BigGovernment: A progressive climate alarmist website has an invaluable voting guide for the presidential election: just pick the candidates it rates least highly – and you’re surely backing a winn…


Donald Trump's team thinks the top-gun Republican consultant is aiming a bank shot at the billionaire.


To one degree or another, every candidate running for president has enlisted their family in their effort. But none have gone so far as Ted Cruz, whose surging campaign has placed his wife Heidi and father Rafael at the tip of the spear, leading fundraising and organizing efforts as if they were paid staffers.


Believing in Donald Trump is hard work. But the Republican frontrunner knows that if he shows no sign of self-doubt that people will tend to accept even his most outlandish claims, writes Matt K. Lewis


The $600,000 represents 20 percent of the senator's operating budget. Last year, he returned $500,000.


The 13-year-old Internet phenom who gained fame criticizing President Barack Obama and briefly was a part of the Ted Cruz campaign is renouncing conservatism
