Donald J. Trump will take the next step in his religious outreach effort next week when he announces the endorsement of a group of 100 African-American pastors and religious leaders at his Manhattan headquarters.
The Harvard lawyers in Congress try to keep the White House honest
The media will be tying themselves up in knots explaining this when news breaks nationally...
As news continues to unfold about Friday’s Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs, one thing is clear: Domestic terrorism remains unchecked, even
The refugee crisis illuminates the failure of his approach to politics.
The recent report by the San Francisco Chronicle on the Public Utitlities Commission cutting $350,000 from anti-terrorism programs appears to reflect petty PUC payback against the California Legislature over the Legislature's budget restrictions relating to its concerns about heavy legal costs from PUC scandals. This is no way to run a government agency. But ultimate blame lies in part with Gov. Jerry Brown. His decision to veto six bills with various PUC reforms amounts to him telling the agency's leaders that they're doing a heck of a job.
The ridiculous behavior by colleges provides endless teachable moments.
A black man was charged in St. Louis Friday afternoon with setting fire to two predominantly black churches, but authorities are still trying to figure out a motive.
Persecution by faith is written into the asylum law for a reason. It’s
time to take it seriously.
Time for another Barack Obama supporter to claim that it's all the American Republic's fault!
Roxanne Jones says experts do not dispute that false rape accusations happen. Some men are suing accusers for ruining their reputations or even their lives.
Florida Congressman Alan Grayson (D) said in a radio interview on Wednesday that if Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wins the Republican presidential nomination, then he will "file that beautiful lawsuit saying that he’s unqualified for the job." Speaking to Fox News radio host Alan Colmes, Grayson said the...
Nothing is yet known about the motive or mindset of the perpetrator in Friday’s Colorado Springs shooting , but that hasn’t stopped people ? including the media who should know better ? from speculating. Robert Lewis Dear, 59, gave himself up after a shooting spree that left nine injured and three dead. Nothing is known ?
This week began as the last one ended — with more Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israeli Jews, and more dead. And yet, this information might surprise readers of The New York Times. On Sunday...
VA spends millions promoting Obamacare, little cutting wait times
A federal discrimination lawsuit filed by a Muslim activist organization against a Florida firearms retailer who posted a “Muslim-Free Zone” sign has been dismissed.
The Supreme Court will take up contraception and abortion this term in battles for the secular state in which women can make their choices.
We’re often told the migrants making their way across the Mediterranean are “fleeing war” and that as a result, we need to take them all into Europe
A new report shows that despite what President Barack Obama says, the United States southern border is wide open. At a business roundtable in December 2014, Obama said that his administration was "already doing a lot" in terms of border security. "The border is less porous than its been anytime since the the 1970’s," Obama said.
Fascist Michael Bloomberg shows again why people hate him...
The latest Reuters tracking poll shows neurosurgeon Ben Carson jumping back into 2nd place in the race for the GOP nomination.
"Call me crazy, but I think the president of America should be..."
Ted Cruz Calls Obama Infatuation with Transgender Issues “Lunacy”
CBS Reporter Claims Right Wing Extremism More Dangerous Than Radical Islam Before the smoke cleared at the Planned Parenthood clinic ...