
Trump said, "we're going to do refinancing for people who have loans who literally can't do anything."


The Islamic State-themed assignment was intended to help students grasp “the goals of terrorist groups and the methods they use to gain support."


Are you confused about how Barack Obama thinks about the War on Terror?


A new Pew Research Center poll shows that 40 percent of American Millennials (ages 18-34) are likely to support government prevention of public statements offensive to minorities. It should be note


REDDIT LINK https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/3tmkxw/nearly_every_islamic_inspired_terror_attack_in/ CLICK AND upVOTE, if you want to .. If you liked...


Cruz Announces Large Influx of Clergy Endorsements HOUSTON, Texas ? Presidential candidate Ted Cruz today announced additions to his Faith Leadership Team which include more than 200 faith leaders from around the nation. This follows the campaign?s announcement yesterday of it?s National Prayer Team, led by Cruz Crew volunteers, dedicated to a focused season of prayer on behalf of the nation, Cruz, ?


So, this happened. During an international soccer match between Turkey and Greece (I won’t use the term friendly, for reasons you’re about to see and hear. In addition to the fact that Turkey and Greece hate each other) a moment of silence was called for, to remember the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris.Only one problem. There was very, very little silence as Turkish fans started booing.


Last night on "Real Time," Bill Maher said liberals "don't want to recognize" that many Muslims, including Syrian refugees, have different values than Americans.


Mark Levin defended Donald Trump from the liberal hack reporter from NBC who asked him about registering Muslims in a database. Levin demonstrates that if yo...


How dare the Obama administration bail out insurance companies with our money in order to hide ObamaCare’s failures. Thursday, just hours after giant insurer UnitedHealthcare said it’s losing money...


As the hunt for jihadists widens after last week's Paris attacks, authorities in Greece warn it was virtually impossible to pick out dangerous extremists among arriving migrants, without prior intelligence. "If they are not already registered in the database, it's nearly impossible," says Dimitris Amountzias, police captain in charge of Moria, Greece's main registration camp on the island of Lesbos. At the camp, dozens of migrants and refugees queue to give their fingerprints, have a photo taken and be quizzed by agents from European border agency Frontex.


Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) refused to attack his 2016 opponent Donald Trump on Friday, despite a reporter’s persistent attempts to spark a war of words. “I’m a big fan of Donald Trump’s, but I’m not a fan of government registries of Americans citizens,” he said when asked about...


President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton both said that the U.S. should never have a religious test for refugees. Unfortunately for them, it's already stipulated by law.


California will suffer severe water shortages with or without a warmer planet. We need to act soon. It can be done. Israel has shown us how.


Far from empowering the West, the smug narcissism of John Oliver and his ilk lulls us to sleep, making us less willing and able to address the threat of radical Islam.


Before I go to the coding errors by the Washington Post, two were killed by a police stray bullets so there is no intention to kill that person no matter what their race might be. One of the 30 was...


NYU Professor Jonathan Haidt gave a fascinating interview to First Things magazine on campus coddling.


Senator Ted Cruz has released a new ad which criticizes Obama’s tepid response to ISIS and his illogical insistence that ...


Sen. Ted Cruz and Attorney General Ken Paxton denounced a new federal emissions regulation as illegal, expensive and poi


He called black people "an ignorant and inferior race," and it gets worse.


The omission went unnoticed by the 700-person audience.


Barack Obama warned Malaysian youth Friday to avoid the “pitfalls” of America like income inequality – something that has increased ...