
The mainstream media says that retaliation against the Islamic terrorists is what will radicalize the moderate Muslims, but Bill Whittle begs to differ...


Amid Washington’s raging debate over refugees and religion, more than two dozen Iraqi Christians who crossed into the U.S. from Mexico in hopes of joining their friends and families are being deported after their bids for religious asylum were rejected.


Majority of Americans Feel Like 'Stranger in Own Country'


Students occupying the administration building Friday at Occidental College ejected Breitbart News' Adelle Nazarian from their "safe space."


The mainstream media says that retaliation against the Islamic terrorists is what will radicalize the moderate Muslims, but Bill Whittle begs to differ...


NFL’s Benjamin Watson Puts Dr. Ben Carson in Same League as Rosa Parks and Dr. Marin LutHer King


Michael Moore blasted Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's ban on allowing Syrian refugees into his state and offered his own MI home to refugees.


Seriously...who approved this thing?


Insurerers found that enrollees in Obamacare are disproportionately sicker, and losses are piling up.


KABC Los Angeles -w- Jillian Barberie and John Phillips November 19, 2015 Ann Coulter


Following last week’s (November 2015) historic eruption of conflict at the University of Missouri, Young America’s Foundation (YAF) sponsored a lecture title...


Following reports that Iraqi terrorists slipped into the U.S. through its refugee program, the Obama admin halted that program for six months in 2011.


RUSH: There's nothing being proposed that we have not done in the past to defend and protect the country, particularly in times of attack or war.


MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3132/the-truth-about-the-syrian-refugee-controversy Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3132-the-truth-a...


A One Does Not Simply meme. Caption your own images or memes with our Meme Generator.


President Obama, deservedly frustrated over the lack of substance in Republican proposals concerning Syrian refugees, unloaded yesterday.


Everyone knew that it was just a matter of time, but no one expected it to fail this fast.


Just after Hillary Clinton said “Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism”, the DNC has come out with a new ad denying the existence of radical Islam. Keep in mind this ad i…


While serving with the Marines in 2003, my squad went on a patrol in the slums of Al Kut Iraq. Truthfully, I can’t decide whether it was because we were trying to build good will or that our Battalion Commander? Continue Reading ?


That's compared with 27% of Gen Xers and 24% of Boomers who say the same.


When media outlets from the National Journal to Rolling Stone cover the bipartisan push for criminal justice reform — an effort that includes everyone from Rand Paul to Cory Booker, the Koch brothers to even the ACLU — their go-to phrase to characterize the movement is "unlikely coalition." Actually, there's nothing particularly surprising about the fact that civil libertarians come in more than one flavor or political party. Disagreement on, say, taxation doesn't necessitate disagreement on mass incarceration.


By Patrick J. Buchanan
In denouncing Republicans as "scared of widows and orphans," and castigating those who prefer Christian refugees to Muslims coming to America, Barack Obama has come off as petulant and unpresidential.
Clearly, he is upset. And with good reason.
He grossly, transparently underestimated the ability of ISIS, the "JV" team, to strike outside the caliphate into the heart of the West, and has egg all over his face. More critically, the liberal world order he has been preaching and predicting is receding before our eyes.
Suddenly, his rhetoric is discordantly out of touch with reality.Read more on Buchanan.Org...


A story is making the rounds on Facebook that claims Donald Trump is calling for "ID badges" for Muslims. Frightening--and a lie.


A pro-Kasich super PAC is on a mission to take down the real estate mogul once and for all.


A student at Columbia University is urging the school to inject more diversity into its required courses, claiming she suffered severe emotional trauma from reading too many books by and about white p