In the aftermath of more mass shootings, Bill Whittle tackles gun control, rebutting progressives call for stricter measures. Spread the word. Please share t...
Hillary Clinton breaks the law, gets people who work for her killed, lies to the American people...and she's still a media darling? How is that possible???
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✟ Veritas ✟ Vincit ✟ Omnia ✟ To purchase a DVD, please visit: ☛ http://www.themoneymasters.com/ ♦ The Money Masters is a 1996 American documentary film produ...
A day after new records were made public showing Hillary Clinton said from the start the 2012 Benghazi attack was not linked to an obscure anti-Islam video, the father of a former Navy SEAL killed that night told Fox News she blamed the filmmaker for his son's death in a conversation with him.
Today Ohio Governor John Kasich urged Congress to override President Obama's veto of the 2016 Defense Authorization Act and applauded Congress for setting aside budget limits to increase military spending. He called on congressional leaders to resist the President's call to water down the bill.
Sanders in 1985: Castro ‘Educated Their Kids, Gave Their Kids Health Care, Totally Transformed Society’ See More at:
The Wilderness | Issue 61 | 10 . 21 . 2015 | Tweet Last week saw the Democrats, the purported party of Youth and Diversity, turn their first primary debate into a joyless slog that quickly devolved into a pitiless deathmarch to see which aging, pasty-faced candidate could stay awake past their bedtime the longest.Read more
If we had been told at the beginning of the year that in October a Republican presidential candidate would be leading the polls nationally and in almost every state, drawing support from across all...
Appearing as a guest on Friday's New Day, CNN political analyst repeated his claim that Hillary Clinton would "make monkeys" out of the Benghazi committee members as he asserted that "she did" in fact do so. Bernstein also threw out one loaded word after another to negatively characterize the Benghazi committee as "ugly," calling it a "travesty," and using the words "disgraceful" and "demagoguery."
Trump has challenged his opponents to also reject "dark money."
“Without Romneycare, I don’t think we would have Obamacare," Mitt Romney tells the Boston Globe.
Stephen A. Smith Speculates Redskins Coach Gruden Is Racist for Treatment of RG3
Obamacare exchanges are failing to verify key enrollment information, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). This new report is the latest in a long line finding that controls on federal and state Obamacare exchanges are abysmal.
As part of its review, GAO tested application and enrollment controls on the federal exchange and two state exchanges (California and Kentucky).
It is getting hard to ignore that mass public shooters keep choosing to attack locations where victims can’t defend themselves. We studied 13 different types of gun-control laws as well as the impact of law enforcement, but the only law that had a statistically significant impact on mass public shootings was the passage of right-to-carry laws. Right-to-carry laws reduced both the frequency and the severity of mass public shootings.
Sen. Rand Paul says no matter what Hillary Clinton says about the terror attack in Benghazi, Libya -- it happened under her watch.
Sources on Capitol Hill tell Breitbart News that Paul Ryan, as Speaker, would time the movement of amnesty legislation to ensure its passage
2016 GOP presidential candidate John Kasich joins Morning Joe for a New Hampshire town hall to discuss his bonafides, the state of his campaign,
In The Wall Street Journal, Kim Strassel writes about the revelations of the House Benghazi hearing: Hillary Clinton knew all along what happened.
High School Bans Pro-Trump Clothing For Supposed Racist, Offensive Theme
Many states and companies are ready to begin legal battles with the Obama administration after the E.P.A. rules are published Friday in the Federal Register.