
If the words “Selective Service” aren’t a call to arms for you, it might be because you are a woman – with no sons. For American young men and their parents, “Selective Service” means “


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Rep. Paul Ryan announced Thursday, October 22nd that he is officially running for speaker of the House, and he is likely to be elected next week. "I never thought I'd be speaker...


"We need a different economic system that..."


Hillary Clinton burst our laughing when asked if she was alone the whole at her house on the night of September 11, 2012


The Democratic National Committee has formally invited the anti-police Black Lives Matter to host a presidential town hall.


According to the University of Wisconsin the term "politically correct" is not...politically correct. The school has launched a campaign via the "Inclusive Excellence Center" called "Just Words." The purpose is to "raise awareness of microaggressions and their impact."


Here’s how ABC, CBS, NBC portrayed Hillary’s testimony at Benghazi hearing today on the nightly news
FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailNormally I would ask you to rate which of the nightly news shows did best at portraying Hillary’s testimony today, but they were all pretty bad. ABC News was clearly…


This is why America loves Bill and why they love Fox...


Ted Cruz on The Laura Ingraham Radio Show (10/21/2015)


Every college is required to have a Title IX coordinator, who, in cases of alleged sexual misconduct, assigns an investigator to make a determination based on a shameful distortion of the requirements of justice, writes Robert McClain.


Congress has weeks to prevent the largest premium hikes in Medicare's history.


A surveillance bill that has been in limbo for six years has cleared a crucial vote in the Senate.


Key predictions made by the law’s critics about its impending failures are coming true.


A new ad campaign launched Wednesday warned voters in Houston, Texas that they could face up to $5,000 in fines if they object to men using women's bathrooms under the city's controversial LGBT "Equal Rights" bathroom ordinance known as Proposition 1 on the ballot in the upcoming Nov. 3 elections.


Just when you thought joyless, whining social justice warriors couldn't possibly ruin anything else, they've now set their sights on Halloween. http://infowa...


In The Wall Street Journal, Bjorn Lomborg writes that it is immoral to spend billions of dollars on climate-related aid in countries that need help with tuberculosis, malaria and malnutrition.


A controversial new twin study suggests that environmental changes could trigger homosexuality


Want to fight economic inequality? Focus on growing the economy faster.


Paul Ryan has demands. Meet them — or else.
Congressman Ryan is one of the world’s good guys. But that isn’t a qualification to be Speaker of the House. The point of being Speaker, a Republican Speaker, is — to borrow from the late Jack Kemp — to “be a leader.” And not just a leader in the sense of pulling people together but a leader who can lead in the direction of a conservative agenda. Not to mention being a leader as a Member’s Speaker — not an Imperial Speaker.
But Ryan has a huge hurdle here.
It is abundantly obvious that the GOP’s Washington Establishment is perilously close to suicide. A complete and utter meltdown.
Over in the Washington Examiner is this headline on a story by Byron York:
Panicked establishment gets ready for war against Trump
Byron writes this:


Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which is investigating the events surrounding the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate there, in which Ambassador…


Home secretary attacks Bernard Hogan-Howe’s view that rise in knife crime linked to fall in stop and search, and says police forces are too white


When Donald Trump announced his bid for president, most Republicans laughed off his candidacy. When he began topping national polls, these skeptics urged patience; after Labor Day, their thinking...


The nation's largest and most influential anti-sexual-violence organization is rejecting the idea that culture — as opposed to the actions of individuals — is responsible for rape.