Lt. Governor Tate Reeves (R) summed up the what seems to the predominant view among state officials when he expressed no interest in blaming Mississippi's state flag for the actions of a gunman in South Carolina. Moreover, he said that if any serious action was considered it should come from the people, not lawmakers.
Texas 'whiz kid' Ahmed Mohamed got to meet the president when he visited the White House on Monday for its second astronomy night, despite cold water being thrown on the possibility earlier in the day.
Yesterday, my colleagues Samantha Harris, Joe Cohn, and I held a lunch briefing on campus sexual assault, Title IX, and due process for congressional and committee staff members on Capitol Hill. We were pleased to have a packed room and excited to see so many staff members from offices on both sides of the aisle interested in protecting the rights of all students on campus. At the briefing, FIRE highlighted the failures of the current system, provided updates on recent court cases brought by accused students alleging due process violations, and gave an in-depth analysis of currently pending legislation, including …
Months after a young woman's murder in San Francisco allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant touched off a national debate over immigration law, the Senate on Tuesday will take up a Republican-backed measure aimed at cracking down on so-called sanctuary cities.
Donald Trump donated to Mitt Romney in 2012. On Sunday Mitt Romney told Jake Tapper he does not believe Donald ...
During a promotional interview Monday with BET for his new film Our Brand Is Crisis, black actor Anthony Mackie made the mistake of proudly endorsing Republican frontrunner Donald Trump for President. He immediately was targeted with the usual racial abuse that any conservative black suffers for abandoning the Democrat plantation, according to Breitbart.
Firearm possession should be banned in America; Obama can orchestrate this directive.
Watch: Chicago Food Stamp Funds Get Used to Buy Drugs
After she took the Republican field by storm in September, two polls show her slipping back into the second tier of candidates.
Justin Trudeau will be Canada's next prime minister after leading the Liberal Party to a stunning majority government win, dashing the hopes of Stephen Harper, who will now step down as party leader.
S.F. principal delays vote results, saying winners aren’t diverse When San Francisco middle school principal Lena Van Haren saw which kids on her campus had been elected to the student council, she was disturbed at the lack of diversity among the winners. Van Haren decided to withhold the results of the Oct. 9 election for more than a week, saying the school community needed to figure out how to have a more representative government. “This is complex, but as a parent and a principal, I truly believe it behooves us to be thoughtful about our next steps here so that we can have a diverse student council that is truly representative of all voices at Everett,” she told parents in an e-mail Thursday. “My criticism of the Everett administration is their good intention got in the way of their common sense,” said parent Todd David. Yet such a route collided with an election process that many see as sacred — in which you don’t fiddle with or try to fix a vote, be it presidential or at a public school. “The thing that’s so frustrating to me, as a parent and an engaged citizen, is you release the results and then you form committees,” David said. How can you say, ‘In the name of social justice, we’re going to withhold election results’? Under pressure from parents and the district administration, the principal announced the election results Monday afternoon, going class to class with the information. While there was some diversity among the 10 winners, no English learners were elected, even though they make up about a third of enrollment. African American and Latino students were underrepresented, while white, Asian and mixed-race students, who are in the minority at the school, took the top four spots. District officials called the whole situation “a learning opportunity.”
Months after a young woman's murder in San Francisco allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant touched off a national debate over immigration law, the Senate on Tuesday will take up a Republican-backed measure aimed at cracking down on so-called sanctuary cities.

I'm Allowed to Rob You!

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Want to see a piece of paper that gives me the RIGHT to rob you? You don't believe there is such a thing? Are you SURE you don't believe it?
Marco Rubio also leads former mentor Bush
California gun control advocates are launching a new regulatory push to impose first-in-the-nation instant background checks for ammunition sales, a move that comes as gun violence surfaces as a lightning rod issue in the 2016 presidential race.
Almost half of Republican voters prefer an outsider, either Donald Trump or Ben Carson, as their nominee for president.

Notes on a Ridiculous Meme

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Government equals socialism — to those with no idea what socialism is
In the face of a racially charged social media backlash, Captain America actor Anthony Mackie has walked back his endorsement of Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.

Buy ObamaCare OR ELSE!!!

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community


Corruption is Legal in America

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Learn more at http://Represent.Us/TheProblem, and go to https://represent.us/TheSolution to see our plan and join the Anti-Corruption Movement. Click on "sho...
Conservative bulldog and Hollywood actor James Woods called out Sen. Bernie Sanders as an “utter moron” Monday, after the self-described Democratic Socialist cited China’s paid maternity leave model as an argument for a proposed payroll tax.
If you want to understand today's Democratic Party, a word search of the Democrats' debate last week provides a pretty clear picture.
The abortion industry’s business model is simple. Funnel as many susceptible women in their time of need into an abortion mill to murder babies and reap...
Webb's campaign said that he was considering running as an independent.