The Obama administration Tuesday pushed illegal immigrant youths to enroll in high school and college and announced a list of guarantees in schools and tips to help students apply for scholarships or financial aid.
The anger of Republican primary voters at the political class could have blistered the paint in a conference room during a focus group in Indianapolis.
If you want to understand today's Democratic Party, a word search of the Democrats' debate last week provides a pretty clear picture.
Justin Trudeau informed President Obama that he would make good on a campaign promise.
Confident Clinton Prepares To "Scorch" Benghazi Committee...
"I think every opportunity my mom has, she proves again and again why she should be our next president."
"It's against the law to..."
The stage will stay crowded for CNBC's Republican presidential debate on Oct. 28, with 10 candidates set to take the stage, the network announced Wednesday.
Canada just voted for a liberal government in a landslide. Canada votes for the hope and change
Former Sen. Jim Webb ’s long-shot quest for the Democratic presidential nomination ended Tuesday much the same way it began: on a defiantly — some might say unreasonably — optimistic note.
Statistical analysis that "builds upon critical race theory" based on poor data leads to nonsense findings
WASHINGTON—Following the announcement by Texas state officials to cut Medicaid funding for the nonprofit organization, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards assured supporters Tuesday that it has plenty of fetus cash to keep going for a while.
Please watch this video at www.theforbiddenhistory.com and not on this youtube page!!!
Biden cited the death of his 46-year-old son, Beau, in announcing that he won't run for president.

How To Survive A Crazy Cop

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

How To Survive A Crazy Cop http://themoreyouknowproduction.com/ Video Creator Matthew Cooke His Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/matthewcookeofficial ...
By Payton Alexander | Watchdog Arena Fixed, a popular smartphone app that fights customers' traffic tickets for them, h
"I think I will learn a lot and also have lots of fun there," says Ahmed Mohamed. The 14-year-old and his family have accepted a scholarship for high school and college.
The latest wave of migrants flooding into Slovenia on the way to Austria is ALL MEN! It’s like an army ...

Justin Trudeau: Canada’s Obama

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The next Prime Minister of Canada will get along fine with the President.
Vanessa Carmichael, writing for the Huffington Post, is claiming that ?white conservatives? will ?seize on anything? that will support the ?white supremacy? that…
Here's my question to you: If an evil person is guaranteed that he can inflict physical pain upon others and guaranteed to never suffer pain himself, what happens to his willingness to inflict pain?
Paul Ryan admits that he is willing to run for Speaker of the House--but only if Republicans meet a list of demands.
Bernie Sanders has been asking: What is the deal with student loan rates? The deal is that he is economically illiterate.
Proving once again how truly out of touch with reality he is, a 1985 interview has surfaced in which Sen. Bernie Sanders, then mayor of Burlington, Vermont, praised Fidel Castro (along with other South and Central American despots) for positively transforming people’s lives. After all, Fidel gave the children of Cuba free “healthcare” and an “education.”