AMC's "Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston called presidential candidate Donald Trump "refreshing" for the 2016 race in a podcast released Monday.
Donald Trump remains ratings gold for Fox News Channel, as Sean Hannity's interview with the Republican presidential hopeful produced the top demo score for any cable news program on Tuesday night....
The political class is seriously underestimating the impact of Hillary Clinton’s email controversy. They see it mainly as a problem of public opinion and electoral politics, where it has been...
A report claims Megyn Kelly told Fox News execs that Donald Trump's fans have sent her death threats.
Donald Trump's bluntness would not be so successful if the Republican leadership were good at their jobs. Bill Whittle explains.
In The Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove writes that Hillary Clinton has taken to maligning opponents’ motives—but 57% of voters don’t trust her.
"You have to look at the intent," Carson says.
A group of New Black Panthers armed with rifles faced off with sheriff's deputies Wednesday outside the Texas jail where Sandra Bland died, where a leader of the protesters shouted an apparent threat to law enforcement. "You're gonna stop doing what you're doing," he yelled into...
Cecil the lion has been immortalized in a mural plastered across the outer wall of the 83 Degrees restaurant in Carlsbad, California.
Chief Bromden escapes, after he killed Randle McMurphy...
Conservatives today should deal with Trump by excommunicating him from the movement.
Stuck on You 2003 Comedy Bob and Walt Tenor are twin brothers, who not only share a passion for life, but also a liver. Thanks to their teamwork, being conjo...
The presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders was supposed to put leftward pressure on Hillary Clinton. Instead, it’s Sanders who has become the left’s punching bag. Sanders has been sandbagged by Black Lives Matter protesters for not prioritizing solutions for institutional racism, knocked by immigrant advocates for arguing that too...
By now you probably know about the disastrous and obscene poisonous toxins that the EPA stupidly released into a scenic and beautiful Colorado river. But you may not have heard about why some peopl...
While most of Ted Cruz's rivals are focused on Iowa, Cruz is on a bus tour between several southern states in order to build a base of support that will give him a 'firewall' on Super Tuesday. Watc...
The AEI scholar and former philosophy professor explains how feminism went awry. Click "Show more" to view all chapters. For more conversations, visit http:/...
"If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it," he said.
The "three-carrier swap" leaves the Asia-Pacific region without a forward-deployed carrier.
When people compete for grants, subsidies, and other government handouts, economists see a phenomenon called rent seeking. The "rent" is the money being offe...
"If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it," he said.
In a report provided to Secrets by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total immigrant population surged 1.7 million since 2014.
Tips on sending emails from a book Hillary Clinton wanted to read.
Interviewing former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer wondered if Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal would have a lasting impact on the 2016 campaign: “You don't have to be a Republican operative to find trouble in the headlines surrounding Hillary Clinton. Any time you put the words ‘Hillary Clinton, e-mail, top secret, and FBI’ in the same sentence, you’ve got a problem. Do you see any sign that this is gonna go away soon?”
Last Wednesday, a small EPA-supervised work crew inspecting the Gold King mine accidentally knocked a hole in a waste pit, ...
Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood Clinics Put in Black Neighborhoods to 'Control That Population'