
A plan to rein in union power introduced by Republican presidential hopeful Scott Walker won't just hurt the labor movement, it could also be a huge blow to Democratic fundraising. Unions wield con


““Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like ...


They take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow. In the
general patriotism of the country they form a sort of island of dissident
thought. England is perhaps the only great co...


In The Wall Street Journal, Potomac Watch columnist Kimberley A. Strassel writes that most political women pander to gender, but Carly Fiorina wants to make it on the merits.


This story has been so annoying I've been mostly ignoring it, and while I'm generally not about conspiracy theories, this is... kinda weird. So Ahmed has been invited to the White House and become ...


FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailNow that the media is completely obsessed with the weird question that was posed to Trump about Obama being a Muslim, Ted Nugent has decided to strike back on their antics…


Our Pakistani friends burning our flag- then choking on the fumes.


I've updated NASA's surface temperature graphs to include their latest 2015 fraud. You can see how they have doubled 1880-1980 warming since their 1982 version, and are continuing to continuing to ...


The Supreme Court convened for its December sitting this week, and it may deliver its first opinions of the term as soon as Tuesday. But while it goes about business as usual, some worry that the f…


The family of a college student murdered at her East Harlem housing project doesn’t deserve a dime from the city — because she should have known the “risks” of being on the dangerous grounds, city ...


For nearly two decades, “South Park” has lambasted . . . everything. The cartoon’s raw satire offends left, right and center; all races and religions — and atheists, too. But some are just too dens...


When it comes to vaccination, too many politicians not only don't know the facts, but don't know that they don't know.


There's a movement underway that would turn the power structure of our government upside-down.


In matters of taxation, there are, or ought to be, two questions: What tax will produce the best results? (That is, what tax will help generate the highest revenue and best economic growth with the least negative impact on individuals and business


If a white Baptist kid named Wedge Figgus rocked up to his High Schools Show-N-Tell last week with a briefcase full of circuit boards, wires and timers that looked nada like a frickin' clock, the following chain-reaction, more than likely, wouldve been set into irrevocable motion:


"The president's faith is between him and God. I'm not going to speculate on the president's faith. What I will talk about is his policies. And his policies have been profoundly damaging to this country," Cruz said.


What does the video show and where does it show it?
Those have been the question since Wednesday's debate, when Carly Fiorina graphically described a scene she claimed appeared in those heavily-edited Planned Parenthood "sting" videos.
But pressed to identify which video contains the gruesome scene Fiorina described, neither her campaign nor the anti-abortion group who produced the sting videos have not been able to do so.
We've watched the clips they did send along, and here's what they show. But first a reminder of what Fiorina said.


They worry that the rise of microaggressions undermines efforts to solve problems in productive ways.


Carly Fiorina is surging right now in the GOP Presidential primary and its easy to see why many conservatives like her. Shes had a couple of strong debate performances where shes tossed out good lines, shes the first woman to lead a Fortune 50 business and shes portraying herself as an outsider in a year when conservatives are justifiably sick of politicians.


One of the biggest moments in this second GOP debate was Carly Fiorina deftly taking control of the . . . .


This is what happens when you overpromise and under-deliver


About 10,000 people marched in Houston for a Police Lives Matter rally on Saturday. The 4.5-mile demonstration was meant to honor Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth, who was fatally shot at a gas station while on duty in August.
.@CowboyDave1003 at the #policelivesmatter march #Goforth pic.twitter.com/FH7FEi3Bni
— 100.3 The Bull (@TheBullHouston) September 12, 2015
Goforth's sheriff has blamed the shooting on the Black Lives Matter movement, which activists are using to draw attention to police brutality toward black people. The protests have gained traction over the past year, with the fatal police shootings of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, and other unarmed black men.
"I feel the nation is divided right now," one march participant told KHOU-TV. "We just need to all come together." Julie Kliegman


This video shows that the supposed clock invention by a 14 year old is in fact not an invention. The 'clock' is a commercial bedside alarm clock removed from...


I have always been fascinated with the actress, model, spokeswoman, and author Brooke Shields. She has always seemed a compelling mix of wholesomeness and glamour, forthrightness and mystery. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT An ‘80s icon, she defined beauty and elegance. She socialized with living legends such as pop star Michael Jackson and tennis great Andre Agassi. I [?]