Ted Cruz was badgered on homosexual marriage and was having none of it.
The revelation that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails contained sensitive information derived from spy satellites and signal intelligence undercuts her defense that she had no reason to believe she was dealing with classified information, security experts say.
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was on the BillO show tonight and pointed out that had he done a fraction of what Hillary Clinton did with her email server, he would be on his way to Ft. Leavenworth by now. ...
Senator Rand Paul sat down with Laura Ingraham of the Laura Ingraham Show said that his primary opponent Jeb Bush was “not a conservative” and that he didn’t...
In Norwood, Ohio, a group of black teens assault a 13-year-old white teen just outside a church festival. The 13-year-old was taken to the hospital and is being watched for signs of a concussion. T...
And Carly Fiorina surges to third place

Rand Paul: Is Donald Trump Sincere?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Senator Rand Paul came on The O'reilly Factor (Fox News) to talk about Donald Trump's views and outlandish comments he has made. Paul went on to say that the...
The former tech executive said that the server was "capable of being hacked and probably has been"
A staggering 80% of Latino illegal immigrant families in California are living in poverty and need government assistance. The Obama ...

A Deal Iran's Hardliners Can Love

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

It certainly contains some attractive features from an Iranian perspective.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban isn't finished talking about politics. This offseason, he's Cyber Dusted on a plethora of political topics. Donald Trump, the GOP debate, Ted Cruz. He was even?
Via:  NOAA July 2015 – USA – Below Normal For 3rd Year in a Row — sunshinehours1 @ 8:08 AM According to the NOAA , Maximum temperatures in the USA were -0.77F colder than the 1901-2000 average. 193...
A quirk in the law means the IRS will never be able to recoup nearly $350 million in overpayments on Obamacare tax credits last year, and one top senator says he is worried that fraudsters will exploit the loophole to wring more cash out of the government.

Five myths about Article V

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Have you been taken in by a myth about Article V? Here are the five most common.
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter says he has cancer and will undergo treatment at an Atlanta hospital.
Ben Carson said "I don't believe in the progressive model of you poor poor little thing you're the victim and I'm going to take care of you"
Carly Fiorina said under her the US would be "more aggressive in helping our allies in that region push back against new Chinese aggression"
The two men leading Huffington Post’s new Arabic site have been accused of having direct involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Donald Trump has a lead in the race to win over likely Iowa caucus-goers, according to the first CNN/ORC poll in Iowa this cycle. Scott Walker falls to third.
"Black Lives Matter" activists from Boston have come forward with some details of their brief backstage meeting with Clinton.
Carly Fiorina’s response to climate change is marked by an economic, scientific, and geopolitical realism that may be even more helpful.
Fifty-one percent voters believe Clinton's private email use was mainly a matter of convenience.
In a Sunday interview with a website called Shark-Tank, GOP contender Sen. Ted Cruz that he believes President Obama's unlawful executive amnesty shielding millions of illegal aliens from deportation would "change who we are as a country," and said that all legal immigration is "good," stressing his support for the rule of law.
Twelve years ago, in August 2003, Joe Lieberman led in most polls of the Democratic primary. Eight years ago, in August 2007, Rudy Giuliani maintained a clear lead in polls of Republicans, while Hi…