
Hillary Clinton scolded Donald Trump on Twitter Friday, saying it was “just plain wrong” that he didn’t denounce a man’s claims that Muslims are a “problem” and President Barack Obama secretly practices Islam during town hall event Thursday. Donald Trump not denouncing false statements about POTUS & hateful...


Greg Bruen has had enough. This Morristown resident is selling his house and moving out. He's even painting signs and displaying them on his lawn to tell the world why.


Adam Hoffman and Wyatt English to serve as National Co-Chairs HOUSTON, Texas — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today named YouTube sensation CJ Pearson of Georgia as National Chairman of the “Teens For Ted” coalition. Political activist Wyatt English of Iowa and Secretary of the High School Republicans of Texas Adam Hoffman will serve as co-chairs. “Young people are looking …


A rift is growing in the so-called consensus on global warming that’s as wide as the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists just can’t seem to agree on whether or not the 15-year hiatus in warming actually ex


The GOP front-runner must deal with "a significant business transaction" instead.


Just when you thought campus rape hysteria could not grow more absurd, along comes Colorado Democrat Jared Polis.


By: Brent Parrish This is going to be a direct message to the chattering class—namely, the political pundits and talking heads on the right. While I am definitely on the fence when it comes to Dona...


President Obama has long touted that training Syrian rebels to fight ISIS is "the best counterweight" in his administration's promise to degrade and defeat the terror group. And with that promise came $500 million in federal funds for the U.S. military to begin training Syrian fighters. So, what does the president have to show for his investment? Of the original 54 soldiers trained in the first group, only four, maybe five, of those rebels are left fighting ISIS, according to new reports.


FULL Donald Trump NH Town Hall Speech Today After CNN #GOPDebate in Rochester, New Hampshire. Donald Trump First Town Hall After CNN GOP Debate. 2016 Republi...


Today in the Senate, Democrats voted down a measure to undermine the Iran nuclear weapons deal that the Obama administration ‘negotiated’ with the world’s nuclear powers. Iran will now get sanctions relief which will include hundreds of billions of dollars. They will be free to become a nuclear armed state in a few short years. …


As many people thoroughly anticipated the back-story to the 14-year-old briefcase clockmaker reflects his father is actually a rather controversial Muslim activist. This lends further credence tow...


13-year-old C.J. Pearson posted a video to YouTube criticizing Barack Obama for inviting Ahmed Mohamed to the White House Wednesday. Authorities arrested Mohamed, 14, after a home made clock he br


The presence of Donald Trump in the GOP debates has added a mild sort of pathetic undertone to the whole thing. For Donald Trump it's great: he's more or less the star, everyone knows it, he knows ...


Democrats to the White Working Class: We Hate You, Please Vote for Us


There's just no appealing to the social justice mob.


Donald Trump wanted to kick him off the debate stage. Fox News ignored him. CNN limited his time, then called him a loser.


It is at minimum 25 million to ZERO and it could be as high as 45 million to ZERO. That is the number of people who have watched a Republican Presidential debate to the number of people who have watched a Democrat Presidential debate. It's not like the Democrats are without a primary process. There's Martin O'Malley, Bernie Sanders, Jim Webb, and some old lady | Read More »


He is the self-declared foe of unbridled capitalism, rabid consumerism and have-it-all lifestyles -- but are conservatives right in fearing Pope Francis is anti-American at heart? The pontiff's attacks on those who worship the "God of money", appeals for an ecological revolution and criticisms of an unjust global economic system that excludes the poor have all wound up economic ultra-liberals. From Wall Street to the Tea Party, critics have slammed Argentine Francis as a poorly camouflaged Marxist and the debate is intensifying ahead of his arrival in the United States next week.


John Yob wrote that Rich Beeson "literally physically assaulted me by punching me in the face."


It's rapidly becoming apparent that all of Jeb Bush's theoretical strengths as a candidate don't translate in practice.


The young man says he's not a political prop.


A U.S. appeals court has ruled that President Barack Obama's healthcare law violates the rights of religiously affiliated employers by forcing them to help provide contraceptive coverage even though they do not have to pay for it.


Three days after John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, U.S. intelligence officials told President Lyndon B. Johnson that they had confirmed that assassin Lee Harvey Oswald had recently traveled to Mexico City to visit both the Cuban and Soviet embassies, according to a half-century old briefing memo declassified on Wednesday.