
Donald Trump’s least-favorite policy has English origins.


You just can’t make this stuff up… The US sent a Coast Guard icebreaker to Antarctica in 2014 to help ...


A shocking racist hate-filled show ran on blogtalkradio today. ** The hosts say it’s open season to kill whites and ...


Report comes as Republican presidential candidates push anti-immigrant measures.


Since the beginning of 2015, 21 police officers have been murdered in the United States with three of those coming in just the last week, and some officers feel like they are under siege. Gregg Pem


'Blanket restriction of the use of certain terms is not consistent with the values upon which this university is founded.'


Paul Krugman's latest column uses the 10th anniversary of hurricane Katrina as a pretext to attack the Republican presidential field.


Struggling middle class families, fearful about their jobs and immigration, have embraced real-estate mogul turned reality TV star Donald Trump.


PORTLAND — The Bernie Sanders campaign debuted a new plan to deal with Black Lives Matters protesters Sunday amid worries that the movement would try to brea...


Invoking "God's authority," a county clerk denied marriage licenses to gay couples again Tuesday in direct defiance of the federal courts, and vowed not to resign, even under the pressure of steep fines or jail.


(Guest Post by Matthew Ladner) Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Glenn Hegar took to the pages of the WSJ to declare The Saudis Gambled and Texas Won: What the Saudis and the naysayers closer to...


Houston area #BlackLivesMatter supporter Monica Foy took to Twitter to insist that slain Sheriff's Deputy Darren Goforth deserved to be executed and implied his "creepy perv eyes" were somehow justification for why he was shot from behind and then had a 15-round magazine unloaded into his lifeless body. Foy lives in the Woodlands, just north of Houston, Texas.


Clearly Ted Cruz has an eye on jumping aboard the Trump train that he believes could take him all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue.


Americans just have no idea what Trump actually believes on abortion.


Sens. Schumer (N.Y.) and Menendez (N.J.) are the only Dems to publicly oppose the deal.


CNN is amending the criteria for its Republican presidential debate on September 16, possibly opening the door for Carly Fiorina to join the other top-tier candidates on the stage.


Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has repeatedly claimed that she never sent...


While the rest of the government continues to ignore the issue of illegal alien crime, Immigration officials and the Sheriff of San Francisco are going to have to face up to their failures to prote...


A liberal activist named Tyler, with question in hand, was hoping to create a bad media moment for Ted Cruz by trying to force him to answer 'yes or no' on whether he denies the existence of Climat...


CNN is amending the criteria for its Republican presidential debate on September 16, possibly opening the door for Carly Fiorina to join the other top-tier candidates on the stage.


After releasing a new ad attacking Donald Trump’s past liberal views, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush continues to criticize Donald Trump -- now in Spanish.


The former Hewlett-Packard chief executive, known for her sharp attacks, will be the only woman at the event.


‘We have been talking around this set and on lots of shows and on lots of networks about the divide the huge gap in income I should say the income and equality that’s out there where you got people at the very top who are doing extremely well’