
50 Dumb Liberal Quotes

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Without much preamble and hardly any ado, I present to you 50 dumb quotes from those on the left side of the aisle. From crazy ideas about toilet pape...
In exclusive Salon interview, the cultural critic finds parallels between Cosby and Clinton, takes down modern p.c.
Jeb Bush told Telemundo he wants a pathway to legal status for all 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.
Donald Trump is running for president. In case you missed his announcement held in the lobby of a building he named after himself, I will recap it for you.
An apparent Islamic Stt document found in the dry reaches of Pakistan’s tribal lands reveals that ISIL is recruiting a new terrorist army in Afghanistan and Pakistan and plans to trigger a war in India to provoke an Armageddon-like “end of the world.
Sen. Rand Paul says he is confident Republicans in Congress can defund Planned Parenthood prior to the start of the summer recess.
The Cleveland Plain-Dealer posted the complete 20 minute clip of Black Live Matter’s racially motivated intimidation of a reporter at the hands of Black Lives Matter activists who had participated in a three day long event called The Movement For Black Lives National Convening.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan says the Obama administration wants to expand the Pell grant program to prisoners. He and Attorney General Loretta Lynch will visit the Maryland Correctional Institution ...

Young Turks come to defense of Cruz

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Young Turks who are far far left have come to Ted Cruz's defense over the Export Import Bank. Even calling out the Democrats. Watch below:
Carly Fiorina joins the Republican field not only as the first female candidate for the GOP, but also the first from the business world. She was an executive at AT&T and then its spin-off Lucent, before becoming CEO of Hewlett-Packard. ...
A new study by the American Action Forum and Manhattan Institute say that raising the federal minimum wage to $12 or $15 would kill jobs and hurt low-income workers the most.
At a news conference in Ethiopia, President Obama lashed out at Republican presidential candidates for making what he called “ridiculous” claims and “outrageous attacks.”
Republican Presidential candidate and ex-CEO of Hewlett Packard, Carly Fiorina, has been making a splash in the media lately with her seemingly expert, bare-knuckle handling of media appearances. On Monday, Fiorina ...
Sean Hannity opened his show on Monday with Ted Cruz‘s audio unloading on Mitch McConnell and Republican leadership. Last Friday ...
Ted Cruz spoke today at the #WomenBetrayed Students For Life Rally about the criminal enterprise otherwise known as Planned Parenthood, calling on Congress to defund them today and for Hillary to a...
The long-simmering disconnect between the Republican Party's conservative base and its leaders in government has degenerated into a full-blown schism.
There has been a mini-brouhaha about Ted Cruz’s selection of his favorite superheroes, most notably his inclusion of Rorschach from Watchmen.

William J. Miller on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“.@exjon Politico got the message. They deleted this tweet (although it's still in the story). @DLoesch @SKDKnick”
The IRS failed to search five of six possible sources of electronic media for Lois Lerner’s emails, according to a documentation released by the House Oversight Committee on Monday. Over the course of investigations into the Lois Lerner targeting scandal, Commissioner John Koskinen repeatedly assured Congress that he would provide all of Lois Lerner’s emails. But based on testimony from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), this did not occur.
In a wide-ranging discussion, Bernie Sanders discusses his views on socialism, single payer, open borders, Zionism, and more.
For over a century, Seattle has maintained a 'strong neighborhood feel' by restricting residential development to only single-family homes.
WASHINGTON — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Tuesday called for an investigation into Planned Parenthood during a rally in front of the Capitol that also drew two of his Republican presidential rivals calling for defunding the nation’s largest abortion provider. “When we’ve seen the truth, after a time...
Current federal law prohibits the IRS from using liens or levies to collect from people who refuse to pay the so-called "shared responsibility" tax under Oba...
Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn Push Through Voice Vote to Fund Planned Parenthood, Protect Obama’s Iran Deal
Well! What a lot of drama in the conservative blogosphere over an apparently trivial diss: the word "cuckservative."