
ESPN - what happened to you? Your intolerant PC police are running amok and making a joke out of you!


For years I've been treated badly for talking about immigration. Now it seems the debate is changing, and that is a very good thing


Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joined me today for a wide ranging interview on national security and the 2016 race generally: Audio: 08-28hhs-walker Trans


Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) delivers remarks on his foreign policy priorities at an event in Charleston, South Carolina. Topics include the Iran nuclear agreement and the U.S.-led military effort…


Obama is trying to turn the tables on Republicans, pushing for a filibuster of the Iran disapproval vote in the Senate so that the up or down vote that he agreed to earlier this year doesn't even h...


Western University student leaders will arrive on campus to a beefed-up dress code for Orientation Week in a bid to counter accusations of cultural insensitivity


Why the Islamic Republic is readying for war not despite the Iran nuclear accord -- but because of it.


The 24-year-old TV reporter who was shot and killed by the disgruntled ex-employee somehow angered him by using terms like 'swinging' by an address or going out into the 'field'.


Two days ago, ABC News reported that Vester Flanagan, the murderer of two WDBJ employees, sent a 23-page faxed manifesto to ABC News. ABC reported bits and pieces of the manifesto.Yet we still haven't seen the full document. ABC hasn't made it available. Why?John Nolte and others have been busy hammering away at the racial hypocrisy of many in the media after treating Flanagan's crimes very differently from Dylann Roof's. Unquestionably, they were both racially motivated. But you'd never know that from reading the headlines in the Washington Post or other mouthpieces that enable the (one way) racial grievance industry.Some of them are particularly dishonest brokers when it comes to reporting on the racist motives of evil wrongdoers. Nolte:A CBS report never mentioned the shooter’s racial comments at all. The piece did tiptoe around the shooter’s problems with race in two paragraphs, but never actually stated his race rhetoric seen in the explicit terms revealed in his manifesto.Then, a piece in the Chicago Tribune called the killer “off kilter” and “bizarre” but steered clear of fully reporting on his racist ideas.One reporter, The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel, even took to Twitter to wring his hands over the reporting of Flanagan’s racist manifesto, saying to Breitbart’s John Nolte, “Do you worry at all that the ‘race war’ story does what the killer wanted?”To be sure, Weigel was far less worried about stirring racial strife when he wrote a Bloomberg piece dissecting the racial motives of Charleston killer Dylann Roof.It's understandable, perhaps, that some of them simply lack the courage to confront evil motives in whatever color they come. Others have been conditioned to believe that racial wrongdoing is a one-way street. The worst are handmaidens of the ethnic front groups who view racial strife as the means to power and cash. But no race is free from racially motivated bad actors.Until ABC News releases the full text of Flanagan's hate manifesto, the public won't get the full story of what motivated and animated him. Perhaps that provides a clue as to what might be in it and why ABC News, so far, has decided to hide the manifesto.-----Vester Flanagan July Road Rage Caught on Video


What significance should we put on the justification public killers give for their actions?


With abortion, infanticide and neglect, parents are taking steps to ensure there are boys in the family. Only six countries had a skewed boy-girl ratio in 1995. Today the number is up to 21.


"A modest increase in enforcement would cause significant attrition in the illegal population," says Jessica Vaughan.


Read (and weep at) the 1996 party platform on immigration, crime, drugs and “zero tolerance”


As Vice President Joe Biden considers a potential run, Hillary Clinton's campaign is seeking to project dominance at the Democratic National Commitee meeting in Minneapolis.


Newly obtained emails show gov't agency calling voters "sheeple" and expose targeting of Scott Walker.


In Denver and Chicago, city officials are penalizing businesses based on their owners' religious beliefs.


Mark Levin said that the 14th Amendment does not require birthright citizenship


At his event in South Carolina, Trump talked about their upcoming rally


On Wednesday, the Nevada Health Co-Op announced that it will go out of business at the end of the year. This is increases the likelihood that others will follow suit.


David Friedman is an economist, political philosopher, and the author of many books including The Machinery of Freedom, wherein he lays the groundwork for a ...


Democrat Voter Fraud: 21 States Have More Voters on the Rolls Than People Alive