A number of once unlikely scenarios for the 2016 election might now be moving into the realm of possibility. Republicans and Democrats alike may soon face the consequences.
Written by Harry Khachatrian (@Harry1T6) Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders has been picking up support in the polls steadily, and is the first candidate to have polled higher than H...
FBI director: "We do use deception at times to catch crooks."
(RNS) Cruz's campaign against Planned Parenthood may be an effort to capture the evangelical base away from other contenders.
Watching a significant segment of the conservative movement embrace Donald Trump’s bid for president is both bewildering and painful. Not only has Mr. Trump switched his political affiliation at least four times, he has consistently attacked the very same conservatism so many of his supporters say they want. ...
President Obama’s push to extend the EPA’s regulatory hand to ditches and small streams to enforce clean water rules was blocked Thursday by a federal judge, who said the administration had overstepped its bounds in trying yet another end run around Congress.
Today, the Center for Medical Progress released the full, uncut video of the conversation between undercover investigators form CMP and top officials with StemExpress, which buys aborted babies and their body parts from Planned Parenthood. The full footage is of a shorter video that summarized the meetings earlier this week.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT The release of the […]
A new report says a UN carbon offset scheme is plagued by questionable credits and may have incentivized emitting more.
Clinton wouldn’t have access to the money unless and until she’s the nominee.
UN Gun Control Body Supported By Obama Sets Up Veto-Proof Framework
Sen. Ted Cruz, Businessman Donald Trump, and Others To Speak
Atlanta, Ga. – On September 9 – the eve of the Congressional votes to disapprove of President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal – Tea Party Patriots, the Center for Security Policy, and the Zionist Organization of America, will stage a rally on the West Lawn of the Capitol ...
HH: I’m so glad that you joined me today as I’m glad that Mark Steyn, Columnist of the World joins me as he does on Thursdays when I am lucky. Mark, how ar
Jorge Ramos said "I'm just a reporter asking questions" and that Donald Trump's immigration rhetoric "is full of empty promises"
ROANOKE, Va. — The words are a part of everyday conversation — “swinging” by an address and going out in the “field.” But in the twisted mind of Virginia gunman Vester Lee Flanagan II, they were pu...
Marco Rubio was given a pretty tough question by conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt and he knocked it out of the park and planted the baseball in Biden's windshield in the parking lot. Listen belo...
A great decision by Cruz to make this a joint rally against the Iran deal, as the press will likely cover it with Trump being there: THE HILL - Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are jointly ...
Hillary Likens GOP to 'Some of the Terrorist Groups'
The Ferguson protests and riots were never a grassroots movement. The mob action was a carefully coordinated Soros-funded astroturf movement bent on destruction. ...
Part2: https://youtu.be/zEXEcitvk-8 Donald Trump FULL SPEECH in Greenville, South Carolina August 27, 2015 (Part 2 of 2) Donald Trump FULL SPEECH in Greenvil...
"Article V of the United States Constitution allows us to..."
var icx_publication_id = 16633;
var icx_content_id = 2367485;
.icx-toolbar{padding: 0 0 5px 0;}WASHINGTON – While other Republican presidential candidates are taking swipes at front-runner Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is instead joining forces with him to try to stop President Obama?s nuclear deal with Iran.
Cruz invited Trump to join a Capitol Hill rally and Trump accepted, telling [...]
The Denver City Council has delayed awarding a franchise opportunity at the Denver International Air...
Tom Perkins is now calling his vote to oust Fiorina "a mistake."
There are a few existential questions which man has struggled but failed to answer conclusively, despite Sisyphean efforts, such as: Why are we here? What happens when we die? And why do kids go ape for "Frozen"?
Bill Whittle analyzes how we can defeat ISIS... American soldiers are nice, kind, and happy, so how can they defeat nasty, savage, brutes? | PJTV