Democrats may need to kill the highway bill in order to save Obamacare.

Seven conservative mistakes

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

How conservatives blow themselves up
As skillful a controversialist as Bill Kristol is, he couldn’t help grinning. When we were discussing the 2016 campaign on “Morning Joe” last month, he expressed strong admiration for Bernie Sanders and pretended disbelief that I was not supporting him for president. But the strategically driven discipline he brought to the task of...
Steve Watson | InfoWars,  Tells detractors "I hope you die in random gunfire" A leftist journalist who writes for Slate and The Boston Globe was caugh
On July 22 a group of protesters from the Commission on Religion and Racism (CRR) used a shovel and “dug up
7 Reasons The Donald Helps the GOP
A step back from Title IX, says law professor who specializes in sexual violence.
Americans have become so non-judgmental that many people can no longer tell the difference between good and evil. We congratulate ourselves for being nicer, more sensitive and less prejudiced than past generations of Americans, but we dont stop to consider how much more there is to morality than that.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is coming under fire from his colleague, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)—a GOP presidential candidate
The Texas Supreme Court dealt Houston's contentious LGBT ordinance a major blow Friday. The court ruled that the city of Houston must repeal or allow a vote on the Equal Rights Ordinance, an ordi
Not-so-friendly fire
Today Mark Levin had Ted Cruz on his show to talk about the passionate speech Cruz gave on the Senate Floor. He discussed how Mitch McConnell has been lying to his face and his other colleagues.
Holy Cow! We dare you to try to make sense of these utterly moronic tweets from Sally Kohn.
James calls in to discuss BLM and economics, and when the conversation is over, he wasn't too happy. So BpD called him back to expand the conversation by 30 ...
A YouGov poll conducted through Wednesday not only shows that Donald Trump’s support has surged among Republicans in the wake of the backlash against unfortunate comments the billionaire businessman made about Senator Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)’s war record, veterans currently
The professional hand-wringers are freaking out over Donald Trump's straight talk while displaying abysmal indifference to the deserved targets of Trump's charges.
All of the justifications relied on in the ruling legalizing same-sex "marriage" can be applied to polygamous unions, as well. By Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley came face to face with the tragic state of American progressivism last week, when an 11,000-strong rally of progressive activists was disrupted by #BlackLivesMatter protesters.

The Big Gay Marriage Lie

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Gay marriage, we've been told, will not affect you. What a crock.
A 115-day global warming research voyage into the Arctic by the Canadian ice breaker CCGS Amundsen has been derailed because the ship was rerouted to the Hudson Bay to come to the aid of supply ships stuck in the ice.
Foreign citizens have filed suit against Texas alleging they are being denied birth certificates for their children born in the U.S.
"Like St. Peter, he denied it 3 times," Ted Cruz said of McConnell's deal to revive Ex-Im. "What he told the press over and over again was a simple lie."
Corporate America isn't unified in opposition — and has hesitated to fight something with so much popular support.