Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Right) and House Speaker John
Boehner (Left)
In today’s issue: A caller told Dr. Savage that his program used to seem
more optimistic. Now, the caller said, he doesn’t think Savage holds out
much hope that America can be saved from the liberals. Savage replied that
in many ways, liberals aren’t the biggest enemy any longer.
“The number one reason we lost is because of traitors in the Republican
Party,” Savage told his audience.
They inveigled us into believing that they would listen to the people.
So the enemy is not Obama.
We know who he is.
We know he’s always been an enemy of America.
We know he was trained to hate everything good about the country.
We know he hates the military and the police and patriots.
But the Republicans were put into power back in November to stop this
So the enemy is not the liberal.
The enemy is the fake Republican like McConnell and Boehner and the other
individuals in the power structure.
They are in there solely to advance the interests of powerful international
BALTIMORE — The crime itself was ordinary: Someone smashed the back window of a parked car one evening and ran off with a cellphone. What was unusual was how the police hunted the thief.
The GREAT ONE Mark Levin lays out how the federal government is stealing money from the young and the unborn every day by borrowing against their futures and spending the money that should be there...
There are reports on social media of a massive explosion at a U.S. military base in Sagamihara City, Japan. UPDATE: Here's a local Japanese report with some amazing video: Can anyone translate the ...
Denver City Council members have stalled consideration of Chick-fil-A’s bid to open a restaurant at the Denver International Airport due to the company's stance against same-sex marriage.
CNN's Acosta Badgers Trump's Campaign Manager Over Anti-Immigration Rhetoric
Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker said Sunday that he doesn’t support a change to the country’s birthright citizenship laws, appearing to take a third stance on the issue in seven days.
Why this deal won't stop a bomb and won't stop war
Dozens of North Korean subs left their stations this week and cannot be located. This is the largest deployment of ...
Denver city council members have stalled consideration of Chick-fil-A’s bid to open a restaurant at the Denver International Airport due to the company's stance against same-sex marriage.
Alan Colmes Talks to John Bachtell: Alan talks to National Chair of Communist Party USA John Bachtell about American politics: In 1919, the Communist Party U...
Scott Walker on Sunday took his third position within seven days on Donald Trump's proposal to end birthright citizenship, this time saying he opposes Trump.
If you look on the surface, one might think that the polls indicate that Donald Trump is the best candidate to go up against the Democrats in the general election. As history has shown, the ability to get support within one's own party is not always an indicator of ability to win in the general election. In fact, one can argue that either Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich were more likely to defeat President Obama in 2012, though we'll never know.
Chicago (August 20, 2015): . . . At 10:05 p.m., a 24-year-old man was with a woman in the 7400 block of South Morgan Street in Englewood when they were approached by two men who said they were robbing them and had a gun, said Officer Janel Sedevic, a Chicago Police spokeswoman. The man being …
So, I thought I didn't care about the result of the Hugos, because in making the establishment lose their collective sh*t at the "non approved" nominations, we'd proven our point: that there is a p...
We do not need a deal maker in the White House. We need the freedom to trade with anyone we please.
Myths about birthright citizenship have been debunked by experts spanning the political spectrum.
Yesterday one of my friends emailed me an article on a young woman from Louisiana who was horribly disfigured in an attack by a group of men who she had been resisting the catcalling of. Her name is...
Roger Stone tweeted his suspicion, and told CNN he had heard that Romney was considering a run.
I hate to kick a lady when she is down, but once again Hillary has forced me to respond to her.
An overwhelming majority of black people told Rasmussem they prefer the phrase “all lives matter” to “black lives matter.”
Hillary Clinton is angling to position herself to the left of President Obama on the fatal issues of the environment and climate change
“[T]he state today is inclined to substantially burden a Christian by the mere fact that someone’s feelings are hurt.”
Perhaps it’s time black Americans reexamined their belief that Democrats are looking out for their best interests.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) featured victims of religious persecution at the hands of government in the United States at his Rally for Religious Liberty.