He says he would undo "every single illegal and unconstitutional executive action taken" by Obama.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz met a large, friendly crowd at the Iowa State Fair on Friday morning.
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Some endorsements carry more weight than others in politics. On Friday night, Sen. Ted Cruz's Iowa campaign chairman, Matt Schultz, suggested that God himself wants Cruz…
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. Iowa traditionally holds the nation's first presidential caucus.
The larger and richer a country is, the more wasteful its government tends to be in spending public money.
The Tednado came out and corrected JEB! Bush's idiotic statement calling him an "anchor baby." From Politico: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Friday fired back at Jeb Bush, who a day earlier suggested the s...
So I’ve rated the 8 leading GOP candidates for the 2016 Nomination as reported by RealClearPolitics on 6 August 2015. I used four criteria; potential to change our nation, electability, personal integrity, and past performance. They were scored from 0 to 3. The ratings were color-coded as follows. Blue = Excellent (3 pts) – Implies candidate is solidly better than most of the GOP and | Read More
Jose Antonio Vargas, an admitted illegal immigrant from the Philippines who works as a journalist, has long argued that workers inside the country illegally contribute to the tax base, but Vargas was hit with a tax lien in January for almost $42,000 in unpaid taxes, Red...
How will libs spin Ted Cruz's civility?
Carly Fiorina has climbed out of the basement. Since her strong performance in the Fox News JV debate on Aug. 6, she’s consistently polled in the middle tier of the 17-strong GOP primary field. But?
BREAKING NEWS, Through an anonymous tip given directly to the creators of the show, Generation Y? digs into the possibility that the Republican Party Under R...
"We've all seen it a million times: a comedian tells a joke, someone else gets offended, someone else blogs about it, and then 'boom!,' outrage spreads acros...
Finally, a candidate that can stand up to the Donald.
August has not been kind to Wisconsin Governor and Republican Presidential Candidate Scott Walker, who has recently fallen back from as high as second place into the logjam in the middle of the pac...
Samuel Adams, the Father of the American Revolution, specified four criteria (conditions) for citizens to determine when armed rebellion is justified to
Progressive hatred for freedom of speech and the right to bear arms is dwarfed by their contempt for religious liberty, ...
"Surely you jest, Joseph." Maybe he didn't spend it directly, but his actions are directly responsible for things like this happening. [embed]https://twitter.com/kenvogel/status/634815235984125952[/embed] [caption id="attachment_238217" align="aligncenter" width="620"] (Click To Enlarge)[/caption] Planned Parenthood gets taxpayer money in order to provide its services. A series of videos has come out showing those services apparently involve selling the parts of dead babies for profit. The excess money gets rolled | Read More »
As an illegal immigrant, Magaña is not eligible for federal or state financial aid, and will likely depend primarily on her scholarship to afford tuition at UCLA.
A 6-minute obscenity-laced attack from Peggy Hubbard on black thuggery has gone viral and was viewed 1.6 million times in less than 24 hrs.
Sheriff Clarke: 'You Cannot Point a Gun at a Police Officer and Expect Nothing to Happen'
Donald Trump brought 30,000 supporters from deep red Alabama to a Friday night pep rally in a football stadium, the latest sign that the Republican front-runner has broad, nationwide strength.