
Hansjorg Wyss is a 79-year-old Swiss business mogul who is "a generous donor to major liberal groups like the Center for American Progress and longtime financial patron of Clinton Campaign Chairman...


New York justice denies habeas corpus to research animals


Melissa Harris-Perry: Black People Fearful of Cops and Need Space for That


Boko Haram militants slit the throats of sixteen Christian fishermen on the shores of Lake Chad in the Nigerian state of Borno.


WETHERSFIELD--A professor at a local community college has been arrested after allegedly claiming an officer racially profiled her, when he didn't. On May 9, Minati Roychoudhuri, 32, of Storrs, was...


The national media which has an infatuation with polls is ignoring a poll that deals a humiliating rebuke to a ...


One of the terrorists involved in the attack on the Mohammad Art Exhibit and Contest in Garland, Texas, was allegedly allowed to purchase a 9mm handgun from a gun store that is connected to the infamous Fast and Furious gun program.


Ana Marie Cox: Planned Parenthood Funding Is 'Showmanship at its Most Crass Level'


An American man who was criticised for raising the minimum wage of his employees is now renting out his home after his business ran into trouble


Although the press has not had access to the entire agreement, including secret side deals, it seems that Russia will now be unrestrained to harvest the Iranian arms market.


A Senate Finance Committee report on healthcare entitlements from 1969 perfectly explains the problems Medicaid and Medicare still face.


An increasing number of prominent politicians in both parties are bashing the Supreme Court on a regular basis.


Well damn it looks like the fix is in. The good people at the Federalist found out that the judge who has blocked footage from being released in the fourth Planned Parenthood is not only an Obama a...


Navy Lt. Commander will reportedly be charged for shooting at Chattanooga terrorist Lt Commander Timothy White and Islamist killer Muhammad ...


Michigan Supreme Court deals a blow to the UAW on behalf of freedom.


Investigators say Huma Abedin, who is contesting the finding, received almost &u0024;10,000 while on leave.


Judicial Watch released 906 pages of new Lois Lerner emails that are believed to have been recovered by the IRS’ internal watchdog.


Seventeen unclassified Iran deal items have been locked in ultra-secure facilities ordinarily used for top secret info. Why is the Obama team trying to bury them?


The latest dump of Hillary Clinton's emails reveals that as Secretary of State, a source within "Meet the Press" was feeding her questions in advance.


A 12-year-old boy in the Swedish city of Helsingborg is beaten up by an Arab immigrant because he has blue eyes. A 15-year-old boy in Helsingborg has been sentenced for assault and threatening anot...


NEW YORK CITY Dateline August 1, 2015-- The first Republican candidate to declare for the U.S. Presidency has not yet been invited to participate in the Fox ...


Earlier this year, National Geographic’s ran a cover story called, “The War on Science.” In the feature article, writer Joel Achenbach addressed a number of issues about which many people dispute t...