The owner of a Montgomery County sporting goods store announced he will no longer sell guns to Muslims. The decision is getting mixed reaction both on social media and within the small, tight-knit community.
The St. Louis homicide rate is on target to reach its highest level in 20 years. This comes after the ...
WISN 12 News obtains surveillance video of a Milwaukee man defending his store against brazen would-be burglars who smashed into his business.
Trump claims 'Hillary is giving confidential, top-of-the-line secrets to Huma ... who's telling her husband, who's a deviant and now works for a public relations firm.'
Embassy security, Russian relations, discussions with Burma's opposition leader, phone calls with Mahmoud Abbas and a nuclear test-ban treaty meeting are among topics covered in the unsecured emails.
"Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City"
The National Abortion Federation doesn't want video from a meeting of abortion providers released by pro-life journalists. An Obama appointee is helping.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist who believed in eugenics. Hillary Clinton, candidate for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, has said she is "in awe" of Ms. Sanger.
The survey results could easily be dismissed as both groups answering what they hope will happen with Trump.
Were we in Germany in the early 1940s, so too would the Nazis champion the rights of abortionists to perform their grisly medical experiments on unborn babies.
Hearing sexual-assault claims in campus courts is a terrible idea.
In Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei leads, “Death to America!” chants. Even the parliament chants “Death to America! Death to ...
Lion murderer Walt Palmer is an asshole. But, he’s also an asshole who’s contributed more money to animal conservation in Africa than pretty much anyone else. In fact, trophy hunters like him are a large part of the reason we still have animals like lions at all.
Tom Cotton is hitting back at the Obama administration after they mocked him on the Iran secret side deals, calling him the 'international man of mystery' the other day. He wants to know why they c...
David Daleiden, the man behind the undercover Planned Parenthood videos and project lead at the Center for Medical Progress, revealed on CNN Friday morning that an unreleased video has one biotech company “very scared.” Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech...
Speaker of the House John Boehner dismissed a move this week by a Republican member to oust him from his post as “no big deal.” But rumbles on the Right have clearly moved the Speaker off his game—his golf game.
One of the reasons for Donald Trump's continuing high standing in the early polls is his perceived willingness to stand up to PC bullies and speak his mind. Now along comes Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, standing up to the man who put the 'bully' back into the bully pulpit:According to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is essentially financing terrorism. And he’s not backing down after the president called his comments “outrageous.”“If this deal is consummated, it will make the Obama administration the world’s leading financier of radical Islamic terrorism,” Cruz said during a round table Tuesday. “Billions of dollars under control of this administration will flow into the hands of jihadists who will use that money to murder Americans, to murder Israelis, to murder Europeans.” Cruz has said the remarks before.On Monday, Obama responded to criticism of the deal. He also addressed Cruz’s comments, and others from members of GOP lawmakers, calling them “outrageous attacks” that crossed the line. “We’ve had a sitting senator, who also happens to be running for president, suggest that I’m the leading state sponsor of terrorism,” Obama said during a press conference from Ethiopia. “Maybe this is just an effort to push Mr. Trump out of the headlines, but it’s not the kind of leadership that is needed for America right now.”Crossed what line? Vigorous give-and-take between independent branches of government, each member of which is sworn to uphold the Constitution, has long been a hallmark of American republican democracy. If you can't take the heat, as another Democrat president famously said, get out of the kitchen.In fact, a debate on Obama's latest vengeful attempt to shove bad policy down the throats of a people he so obviously holds in contempt is very much what we do need. So Cruz has called Obama to take it outside:“Yesterday, I invited President Obama to participate in a debate, I would be happy to debate him … anywhere in the country in the next 60 days, to discuss the substance of this deal. If he believes that this deal can be defended, I would encourage him to defend it in front of the American people,” Cruz said. “If he’s unwilling to do so, then he can send as his proxy Secretary of State John Kerry because on the merits, this deal is catastrophic for the American people.”What fun it would be to see that on Pay Per View. Don't hold your breath, though.Sean Hannity: Three Senators Confirm that Mitch McConnell Lied to Ted Cruz
A Rutgers University professor who is under fire for saying that the U.S. is “more brutal” than ISIS has used racial slurs against white men, attacked a leading advocate against female genital mutilation and even led a successful protest last year to stop former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from speaking to students.
WASHINGTON — Current and former Veterans Affairs employees who exposed poor health care at VA facilities came face-to-face with the agency’s new chief watchdog for the first time at a Senate hearing Thursday.