
Senator Rand Paul questioned Secretary John Kerry about the new Iran deal. Paul has always supported diplomacy over any military action but has held reservat...


Two of the top candidates for the Republican nomination for president are fighting over the Iran deal. Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker says he’d tear up the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Day 1 of a Walker Administration. That’s a rash novice speaking, says Jeb Bush. The former governo...


Richard Dreyfuss: Rewrite Second Amendment So It Applies To Militia Only


Nancy Pelosi: Sanctuary City Policies Are Not the Problem, Guns Are


GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump batted down and dismissed questioning from MSNBC host Jose Diaz-Balart Thursday during a press conference in Laredo, TX at the U.S./Mexico border. Diaz-Balar


The murder of Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero in San Francisco by an illegal alien is the most familiar example of a crime committed by an alien. But an unreleased internal report by the Texas Department of Public Safety reveals that aliens have been involved in thousands of crimes in Texas alone, including nearly 3,000 homicides.PJ Media obtained an never-before-released copy of a Texas DPS report on human smuggling containing the numbers of crimes committed by aliens in Texas. According to the analysis conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.The report describes an alien crime wave of staggering proportions exacerbated by federal officials unwilling to enforce immigration laws.The Texas DPS report says well over 100,000 individual criminal aliens have been booked into Texas jails:From October 2008 to April 2014, Texas identified a total 177,588 unique criminal alien defendants booked into Texas county jails. These individuals have been identified through the Secure Communities initiative, in which Texas has participated since October 2008.There are almost certainly more criminal aliens who haven't been identified as aliens. The 177,588 criminal aliens identified by Texas through the Secure Communities initiative only can tag criminal aliens who had already been fingerprinted. Arrests of illegal aliens who have not been fingerprinted prior to arrest are not included in these arrests numbers derived from the Secure Communities initiative.That means that the already stratospheric aggregate crime totals would be even higher if crimes by many illegal aliens who are not in the fingerprint database were included.The Secure Communities initiative is an information-sharing program between the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice. Presumably, both departments would have data on the number of fingerprint searches conducted that revealed a criminal act involved an alien.Texas has been ground zero in illegal alien crossings into the United States. The Texas DPS report shows that in the Rio Grande Valley, 154,453 illegal aliens were apprehended in 2013.Other Texas sectors saw approximately 86,000 illegal aliens apprehended. All other sectors combined on the southern border only saw approximately 170,000 illegal alien apprehensions in the same time period. The Obama administration releases a sizable portion of the illegal aliens captured.The criminal aliens identified by the Texas Department of Public Safety have been responsible for the most heinous types of crimes -- and in astonishing numbers. From the Texas DPS report:A review of these 177,588 defendants shows that they are responsible for at least 611,234 individual criminal charges over their criminal careers, including 2,993 homicides and 7,695 sexual assaults.One such murder was committed by Juan Francisco De Luna Vasquez. Vasquez confessed to killing his wife with a hammer in Laredo.The increasing flood across the border combined with the existence of sanctuary cities bolstered by Obama administration policies allowing the release of the most violent criminal aliens has fueled these crimes.The House Judiciary Committee has passed the Davis-Oliver Act, introduced (S.1640) in the Senate by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) and in the House (H.R.1148) by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), which would address many of these issues.Yesterday, Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) grilled Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Sarah Saldaña about the 104,000 criminals that ICE released in 2013, and the 68,000 criminals against whom ICE refused to start deportation proceedings. Saldaña calls it 'good news' that only 30,558 criminal aliens were released by ICE in 2014.https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=263&v=4SSk1c1sdJY


When questioned about his characterization of the rally as “pro-war” Earnest declined to clarify.


As if we need more proof of how tone deaf and self-destructive GOP elites can be towards their most reliable voters, the New York Times reports that at a weekend meeting of the Republican Governors Association there was an attempt


Earnest: 'There's one thing between having a copy of the document and knowing exactly what's in it.'


Hillary Clinton said that the death of Sandra Bland is an example of the “hard truths about race and justice” that America needs to face as uncertainty and anger over the circumstances of the 28-year-old’s death continued on Thursday. Bland was found hanged in her cell in a Texas county jail on 13 July, three ...


Hillary Clinton on Thursday came out in defense of Planned Parenthood for the first time since the organization got swept up in a scandal involving videos that allege it sells fetal tissue. “Planned Parenthood has apologized for the insensitivity of the employee who was taped, and they will continue to answer questions for Congress and others,”...


A TNI Interview with 2016 GOP presidential contender Governor Scott Walker.


"I see it as the right thing to do," a freshman party chairman said.


GOP strategists are plotting on ways to ban leading presidential candidate Donald Trump from participating in the GOP debates. The ...


Donald Trump says the chances that he will launch a third-party White House run will “absolutely” increase if the Republican National Committee is unfair to him during the 2016 primary season.


An Army Command letter said it cannot assume every armed citizen means well and does not advocate civilians guarding recruitment centers.


Planned Parenthood execs are seen in several videos admitting to trafficking human organs, and Obama's DOJ plans to investigate the group behind the videos.


In The Wall Street Journal, Hillel Fradkin and Lewis Libby write that Iran can easily stretch out the AEIA inspection of suspect nuclear sites for three months or more.


By Alistair Bell and Susan Heavey WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accused the union that represents Border Patrol agents of bullying its members to pull out of hosting a visit by him to the U.S.-Mexican border in Texas on Thursday. The developer and reality TV star said leaders of the National Border Patrol Council in Washington put pressure on its local representatives in Laredo to scrap their participation in the "boots on the ground" border trip. Trump caused an uproar with accusations last month that Mexico sends rapists and other criminals to emigrate to the United States.


Here we go again.
This October I will be prosecuted for one charge of being “publicly discourteous or disrespectful to a Commissioner or Tribunal Chair of the Alberta Human Rights Commission” and two charges that my “public comments regarding the Alberta Human Rights Commission were inappropriate and unbecoming and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.”
Because last year I wrote a newspaper editorial calling Alberta’s human rights commission “crazy”.


By NICOLE DURAN, Washington ExaminerThe Obama administration on Thursday threatened to veto a House bill that would strip federal law enforcement grants from "sanctuary cities."The bill would deny cities that


This would definitely NOT be good for the 2016 election.