
"Extreme," you say? The only "extreme" view in the room is Hillary Clinton's.


If you didn't hear Jim Steinle's statement yesterday at a Senate hearing. Take 4 minutes and listen.


The Social Security disability-insurance program faces the urgent threat of exhausting reserves in 2016, trustees of the program report.


In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper that was broadcasted tonight Republican candidate for president Donald Trump berated the reporter for continuing to address polls that shed him in a negative light instead of polls showing his upper-tier status.
"I am leading across the board," Trump said in the interview. "And then you hit me with this poll that I didn't see before, where oh, gee, it's not even that kind of a poll. All i know is I have a very big group of support. And I think one of the reasons."
"Let me tell you. The people don't trust you and the people don't trust the media. And I understand why," Trump lectured Cooper.
Trump also said the American dream is "dead," but he will revive it and "make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before."
"You know I tell the story, the American dream -- I talk about the American dream in speeches," Ttump said. "The American dream is dead but I'm going to make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before. The American dream is dead. But i'm going to make it bigger, stronger. Right. And I go 'boom!' and I do it with great bravado and the audience goes crazy. "
DONALD TRUMP, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You keep bringing up negative. You only want to talk about negative. Why don't you bring up the positive?
TRUMP: Excuse me.
COOPER: I started off with the Washington Post poll.
TRUMP: You started off the interview --
COOPER: No, I started off with the Washington Post poll.
TRUMP: You start off the interview with a poll that I didn't even know existed.
COOPER: I started off with the Washington Post poll. Intentionally, because I knew you would accuse me of that.
TRUMP: All I know is every poll I am leading in and you give me these two polls where it is different states. They're not even a national poll.
COOPER: Check the record.
TRUMP: I'm sure the record is fine.
COOPER: I started off with the Washington Post poll where you are way out in front.
TRUMP: I just think it is very unfair. Talk to me about a poll I have never even saw.
COOPER: It came out today.
TRUMP: It's not even a poll. It's in three different states and you are hitting me with this. Frankly, I think it is a very unfair question. I think it is an extremely -- you start off the interview with that. You don't say, I led in the FOX poll. I'm leading in the ABC/Washington Post poll.
COOPER: You're leading across the board.
TRUMP: I am leading across the board. And then you hit me with this poll that I didn't see before, where oh, gee, it's not even that kind of a poll. All i know is I have a very big group of support. And I think one of the reasons.
COOPER: Among Republicans you are way out in the front.
TRUMP: Let me tell you. The people don't trust you and the people don't trust the media. And I understand why.
COOPER: Right. And politicians.
TRUMP: You know, I have always been covered, fairly, accurately because it was usually a financial press. And you know numbers are numbers and my numbers happen to be great. So, I was always sort of treated fair.
With the media it's, not all cases, some, some of the political media is great. And really honest. Even if they've don't want to want to be, they're really honest. But I find that 60%, 70% of the political media is really, really dishonest.
You know I tell the story, the American dream -- I talk about the American dream in speeches. The American dream is dead but I'm going to make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before. The American dream is dead. But i'm going to make it bigger, stronger. Right. And I go 'boom!' and I do it with great bravado and the audience goes crazy.


An Italian University has banned Sir Tim Hunt from speaking because of “some hazardous occurrence” threatened by a local group of feminists.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: It's not just that she doesn't have an opponent, she still doesn't have real opponents who are going to challenge her for the nomination in the end. But we have gotten to see her. And it turns out that the more you see her, the more her numbers go down. That's the definition of a weak candidate.
I think what was astonishing in some of those polls, when they ran the Republicans against Bernie Sanders, not exactly the second coming of Ronald Reagan or FDR, in sort of attractiveness, he does better. That tells you that the Democrats have a problem. Somebody who is not going to be tested and who is going to have to learn to do it. Once she gets the nomination it's up against a single opponent.


The latest Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll has Hillary Clinton losing ground in Iowa against Republican presidential hopefuls.


Bland's family said she was not depressed, and don't believe official accounts that the 28-year-old killed herself in her cell days after her arrest.


Efforts to defund Planned Parenthood steamrolled Wednesday as Sen. Rand Paul introduced an amendment to cut off federal support, citing concerns raised in two undercover videos about the organization’s handling of fetal-tissue donations from abortion.


So sad. A Canadian arctic research expedition to study "climate change" (always meaning global warming) has been derailed. Why? Heavy ice. However, readers of the CBC News account of the story are left in the dark as to the exact nature of the expedition that is not to be this year. Fortunately, a quick search has turned up a Daily Kos Kossack who is a member of that attempted expedition who was happily chirping out what it is all about last Thursday. Here is the CBC report that tells what happened to the Canadian Coast guard cutter without telling us what the expedition was about:


Donald Trump's planned tour of the Laredo Sector of the Texas -Mexico border has been canceled by the national AFL-CIO-controlled union that represents U.S. Border Patrol agents, the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). Border Patrol agent Hector Garza acted in his role as Local 2455 president to honor Trump by inviting him to see his section of border in Laredo firsthand. Agent Garza confirmed to Breitbart Texas that the national union had stepped in and insisted that the Laredo local back out of honoring Trump with the border tour. Agent Garza said he expected Trump to continue without the participation of the union.


After a 3-Year investigative journalism study of Planned Parenthood, the Center for Medical Progress released its videotaped exposé filmed on July 25, 2014. The video shows two actors posing as employees of a human biologics company discussing with Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted fetuses, using partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.
Selling and buying fetal body parts is against federal law, a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000.
Planned Parenthood denies that they are selling fetal body parts, and claims that the money discussed is related to transportation costs.


Former Congressman and US army veteran Allen West making a passionate and emotional speech to over 12,000 people in Times Square at the 'Stop Iran Deal Rally...


Senator Rand Paul talked with Sean Hannity of Fox News about defunding Planned Parenthood because of the recent revelations about the selling of aborted baby...


Senator Rand Paul talks with Jeff Glor of CBS about his new tax plan and his new tax commercial which has him burning, chainsawing, and wood chipping the US ...


Oh, FFS! Better grab your hurl bucket before you read this.


Speaking to hundreds of people at a rally in South Carolina on Tuesday, Donald Trump gave out South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham's personal cell phone number. Graham responded today with a video that shows viewers multiple inventive ways to destroy a cell phone, including fire, a blender and a wooden sword.


Senator Rand Paul talked with Mark Levin about President Obama's new Iranian nuclear deal. Paul talked about how he has always supported diplomacy but wants ...


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After watching this live, I admit I was a little upset at the way Anderson Cooper kept going after Trump on his faith. They have never nor would they ever go after Obama on his faith. Yet for Trump...


Just when you think that the depravity of the United States cannot possibly get any worse, something else comes along to surprise us. Many of the things th


On Wednesday night, major broadcast networks CBS and NBC showed no interest in shedding light on the findings of new Quinnipiac poll that found Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s honest and trustworthy ratings are continuing to fall and trails three possible GOP opponents in three battleground states. While the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News focused exclusively on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, ABC’s World News Tonight made time to report on both Trump and Clinton.