Yellen warns proposed changes could undermine Fed's ability to support economy.
Facebook is reportedly blocking news about Planned Parenthood's harvesting and sale of unborn baby body parts.
'Every time you see Trump’s face on your TV, vow to learn a little more English or a few more history facts so you can take the [citizenship] test,' said Rep. Luis Gutierrez during a House speech.
Former Reddit CEO Yishan Wong is having a goddamn ball this week, bouncing around announcement threads and spilling site secrets to his heart’s content. His latest big reveal: Reddit’s board has been itching to purge the site of users’ precious hate-based subreddits since the beginning. And recently, the only thing stopping them had been... Ellen Pao. Whoops.
A shocking video showing a top Planned Parenthood official casually discussing the shipment of aborted fetus body parts to research labs is fueling calls in Washington and state capitals for investigations and hearings.
Leaders of both political parties and even the AFL-CIO have abandoned American workers in pushing for massive increases in immigration.
In The Wall Street Journal, Jason Riley writes that newcomers to the U.S. are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or be incarcerated.
Even the folks at MSNBC are amused by Hillary Clinton’s odd robotic delivery and plastic smile. The MSNBC hosts laughed ...
In this country, you can’t put trans fats in your food or smoke in your own bar. But it’s completely legal to kill an unborn baby for convenience and then sell its parts for cash.
President Obama announced a “historic” agreement with Iran on Tuesday to end decades of conflict over its nuclear ambitions. Unfortunately, the price tag for this slice of history is craven capitul...
The new chief executive of Reddit says he plans to tackle "reprehensible" communities on the news comment site.
“For those who find the decline in support for the Confederate battle flag to be proceeding too slowly, here’s an alternative that is quick, direct, illegal, and likely to provoke rage. The No Flagging Challenge dares people to destroy privately owned Confederate battle flags displayed on people’s homes and vehicles. According to the hashtag trackingRead More
Hannity ran this epic video tonight
Fellow SixSeeds blogger Zeke Pipher has a great question:If they were dead puppy parts, or parts from homosexual babies, or babies that
Ellen Pao has resigned as CEO of Reddit following the worst set of user and moderator revolts in the site's history, but Redditors who hoped her departure marked the end of threats to free speech on the site are likely to be disappointed.
On July 13, pro-life Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker, officially announced that he would be running for president of the United States. The Governor said in a video announcement, “It’s time to take the successes we have created in Wisconsin and apply them to Washington. It’s time to restore the values that made our nation great.”ADVERTISEMENT [?]
The chairman of the House VA committee suggested Obama help resolve the VA's sudden shortfall of $3 billion.
Even polite politicians can polarize, and Scott Walker has made lack of compromise his calling card.
It seems Iran being allowed to develop and deploy a nuclear weapon was not the only development that will reduce American national security in the short run. Russia seems to have negotiated a sweetener as well with the American appeaser-in-chief.
Murder suspect's mom wants victim's family investigated.
Six governors say they’re not playing along with the EPA’s game.
Ted Cruz just put out his statement on the Iran deal. You can read the full statement below: “Today, the international community led by the United States has agreed to not only legitimize and perpe...