
Obamacare! The War on Drugs! A War on Poverty! Prohibition! The idea that government will bring social progress isn't new.


Raising the minimum wage doesn't happen in a vacuum, according to new research on Chipotle.
When Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. raised its minimum wage in San Francisco, it raised its prices proportionately, according to William Blair, a global investment banking and management firm, which issued a report on Tuesday to its investors.
As part of the company's weekly survey, it examined 10 Chipotle markets across the country and each location's relative price changes. In half of the markets — San Francisco, Denver, Minneapolis, Chicago and Orlando, Fla., — food prices increased by about 4 percent and were limited to beef.
In San Francisco, however, where the city has increased the minimum wage by 14 percent, all of the Chipotles in the area saw an across-the-board price increase. The hike included the chicken, pork, tofu and vegetarian prices, all of which increased 10 percent. The cost of steak and barbacoa rose 14 percent.


Huffington Post reports that they have obtained a leaked document from program specialist at the VA Health Eligibility Center in Atlanta, Scott Davis, that reveals a shocking statistic.


Barack Obama attacked America again today. The community organizer told the NAACP the US Justice system is flawed because too ...


With marriage officially redefined across America, it has become incumbent upon the mainstream media to justify this offense against God, human nature, and the U.S. Constitution. On June 29, CNN


The victors of war write its history in order to cast themselves in the most favorable light. That explains the considerable historical ignorance about our war of 1861 and panic


The media assures: Donald Trump can’t possibly win.
The GOP Establishment assures: Donald Trump can’t possibly win.
After assuring everyone that 1) Trump was never going to run in the first place and 2) once he declared that he would run they insisted he would get nowhere, we now find that these whiz-bangs were wrong on both counts. Trump is in the race and he has surged to the top of the polls, drawing huge crowds. By chance, here in my home Central Pennsylvania county, a race to fill a vacancy in the state legislature in an August 4th election has Republican candidate Greg Rothman knocking on doors in this traditionally Republican district. Rothman tells me he has knocked on 3,100 doors thus far — and while he’s there to talk state issues residents in this area are volunteering to him that they support… Donald Trump.
Yet in spite of the reality of Trump’s candidacy and the support surging for his candidacy — and the startling reality that rank-and-file Republicans are spontaneously telling a Pennsylvania legislative candidate that they like Donald Trump — the Trump critics insist he can’t win.


In his classic 1941 short story “Nightfall,” Isaac Asimov imagines a planet (Lagash) with six suns. Only once every 2,049 years does total darkness fall—and with nightfall comes the appearance of the stars. When that happens, the citizens of Lagash go mad; they burn everything in a desperate attempt to banish the darkness. The total...


All appropriations on hold until Confederate flap fixed.


This is simply disgusting and unacceptable.


Hannity ran this epic video tonight


The New York mogul has received words of support from the Texas senator.


A San Francisco-based Arabic community group could be excluded from helping to create Arabic-language curriculum it championed to the school district earlier this year because of alleged discriminatory comments the »


Senator Rand Paul talked with Sean Hannity of Fox News about his new legislation banning sanctuary cities and his opposition to President Obama's Iran Deal. ...


The fleur de lis, a French symbol used by royal families dating back to the 13th century, and emblazoned on the New Orleans Saints helmet, is now being called a symbol of slavery, drawing comparisons


Nearly two weeks after 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle was murdered on San Francisco's Pier 14 by an illegal alien and convicted felon who was released from prison earlier this year, President Barack Obama has failed to contact the victim's family or mention her in public. Yet Obama took the time to write (and release) 46 personal letters this month to felons imprisoned for non-violent drug offenses whose sentences he has commuted.


Bernie Sanders says he's willing to forgo economic growth if that's what it takes to get the redistribution of wealth he wants. Is this why Democrats are flocking to his campaign stops?


Among the alt-right / NRx crowds, one of the most fascinating labels has emerged: The Cuckservative. I'm not exactly sure where it started or who coined it (if you know, please say in the comment...


On Tuesday afternoon, The Hill ran an article attempting to make a very weak defense for the damning video of Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, Deborah Nucatola... ...


It turns out that everything we’ve heard about the evils of states and localities defying federal law is wrong. So long as a jurisdiction is sticking its thumb in the eye of the federal government ...


That loud, squishy pop you just heard is the sound of liberal heads exploding.According to a new report issued by the Crime Prevention Research Center, the number of concealed carry permits has skyrocketed over the last 7 years while the murder rate and violent crime rate have fallen by about 25%.While it's impossible to make a direct connection between the rise of concealed carry permits and the drop in the murder rate -- there's no way to measure the impact of other factors that may affect the decline -- the report suggests that advocates who advanced the notion that concealed carry permits would lead to more murders and more violent crime were wrong.Washington Times:Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared from 4.6 million to over 12.8 million, according to the report from the Crime Prevention Research Center.And the number is increasing faster every year. Over 1.7 million new permits were issued last year — a 15.4 percent increase from 2013, according to the report. It is the largest-ever single-year increase in the number of permits.The number of people that carry concealed handguns is likely even higher, since permits are not required in seven states.More women are getting permits than men, the report stated. Since 2007, permits for women have increased by 270 percent and for men by 156 percent.At the same time, murder rates have fallen from 5.6 to 4.2 per 100,000, about a 25 percent drop. Overall violent crime also fell by 25 percent, according to the report.Gun-rights advocates say the report’s findings refute the left’s claims that more guns lead to more violent crime.“It puts the lie to the myth promulgated by anti-gun individuals that somehow more law-abiding citizens carrying guns will lead to more crime. In fact, quite the opposite is the case,” said Larry Keene, senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. “More law-abiding citizens own firearms for self-protection and crime continues to decline.”But anti-gun advocates point to other studies showing concealed handguns are more frequently used for non-defensive killings.“Concealed carry killers are a threat to public safety. The evidence is clear that all too often, private citizens use their concealed handguns to take lives, not to save them,” a statement from the Violence Policy Center’s Concealed Carry Killer website reads.According to the center, there have been 561 incidents in 36 states and the District of Columbia involving concealed handguns that have resulted in 743 deaths.“Only a tiny fraction of these cases are ever ruled to be in self-defense,” the website states.The two sides are talking apples and oranges. First, gun control advocates don't supply a baseline to compare current figures on concealed carry shootings with numbers from the past. Has the rise in permits led to a rise in shootings? If so, there should be a clear correlation, year to year, of an increase in shootings roughly matching an increase in permits. No mention was made of any such correlation.Secondly, there are several reasons why most of these shootings are not deemed self defense, not the least of which is aggressive prosecutors who look to make an example of those with concealed carry permits and who defend themselves in less than clear cut circumstances. Another reason is that, as we saw in the George Zimmerman case, even when self defense is fairly straightforward, prosecutors will refuse to give the benefit of the doubt to citizens. That case should never have gone to trial, except for the racial angle, which the prosecutor may have tried to exploit for political reasons.Concealed carry as a deterrent to violent crime is difficult to prove, but the one thing we can say for sure is that the increase in violent crime predicted by opponents of concealed carry has never materialized.


Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton could not help herself but to take aim at economically innovative apps like Uber in a speech today.


Brian Stelter speaks with Sarah Lacy, editor-in-chief of Pando, about the the recent upheaval at Reddit and what she calls "cesspools" on the web.