
F-35 pilot found his aircraft "substantially inferior" in close battle.


Newly gathered e-mails reveal that, despite denials to the contrary, top Obama-administration officials were aware, of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server.


On Tuesday the State Department released the first in a series of document-dumps comprising about 3,000 of the 55,000 pages Hillary Clinton turned over to State late last year.


By no means are social justice warriors always wrong. But they are untrustworthy, because they aren't driven by a philosophy so much as an insatiable appetite that cannot take yes for an answer.


Coal regulations didn’t properly account for the massive cost.


I swear, this HAS to be a parody. But nope - it's from Hillary's official YouTube channel. This is 100% serious, Clinton-approved campaign material. And we're so doomed.Watch the chick in the front row and how she breaks down when Her Roy...


State officials say too little is known about the health effects


I was in Secret Service headquarters when they told me about former President Ronald Reagan’s biggest secret: He carried a gun.


As the country prepares to vote on continuing austerity on Sunday, in the streets of Athens some people have already resorted to searching the rubbish bins for food to eat and scrap metal to sell


TODAY launches a new series, "Undercovered," with a look at the new face of gun ownership in America - young people, some of whom are embracing gun ownership. MSNBC's Ronan Farrow talks to passionate young gun owners.


Trump Files $500 MILLION Lawsuit Against Univision


President approves provisions making rejection of Israel boycott a key objective in trade talks with EU


American progressives want religion to be a pursuit that people engage in privately—rather like pornography.


As the left celebrates in wild Dionysian fashion the moral absolution of godking Justice Anthony Kennedy for homosexuality and same-sex marriage, conservatives prepare for the next round of assaults on their religious freedom.


Many party officials see an opening to turn the election toward economic and national security issues.


For The New York Times, deciding which images are too offensive for publication is a tricky business.
On Monday, the paper published an image of Niki Johnson's Eggs Benedict, a portrait of Pope Benedict XVI fashioned entirely out of condoms.
The artwork is not hate-based, the Milwaukee artist told the Times, but is meant only to critique Benedict's views on sex and contraception while raising awareness about public health.
What I want to do is really destigmatize the condom, normalize it, she told the newspaper. I've watched kids and parents talk about condoms. It opens a door to talking about what those things are and what they do.
The Times' decision to run an image of Eggs Benedict comes just five months after it opted not to show Charlie Hebdo's infamously provocative artwork.


From 1950 to 1980 the size of government doubled in the developed world and then stopped dead in 1980. This great restraint on the growth of government happened everywhere. It was not just Thatcher...


Obama Removes TPP’s Anti-Slavery Clause, Then Attacks Confederate Flag As “Symbol Of Slavery”


US lawmakers drop complaints that Malaysia, as a notorious slavery hub, doesn’t qualify for membership in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.


It appears the U.S. Supreme Court is about to trample the constitutions of 31 states – another frontal assault against the family.


ISIS jihadis responded to the Supreme Court’s recent decision on gay marriage by killing accused gay men by pushing them off a roof.


Jimmy Carter said "the United States’ influence and prestige and respect in the world is probably lower than it was six or seven years ago"