
Working in North America to undermine Christian support for Israel


Ted Cruz proposes an amendment to the Constitution to make it possible to vote out Supreme Court justices.


A Time For Truth Isn’t Just The Name Of Sen. Cruz’s New Book Rove Today: “When Mr. Cruz and I talked in 2009, I was not raising money for the Bush Library, nor was former President Bush 43 going to endorse some unnamed Dallas state representative for state attorney general, nor were any library donors “berating” me.” Rove in 2009: ?


Gowdy: Every Explanation Hillary Has Offered on Emails is 'Demonstrably False'


Perhaps it is time to be more careful what we ask government to do, and where we allow it to become part of our lives.


Rather than try to rescue tax-exempt status for organizations that dissent from settled public policy on matters of race or sexuality, we need to take a more radical step. It’s time to abolish, or greatly diminish, their tax-exempt statuses.


Gov. John Kasich plans to launch his presidential bid on July 21 at Ohio State University. Meanwhile, Kasich is pushing to raise $15 million by June 30


Definitely in progressive crosshairs, as the government warned during oral argument.


Cato's Michael Cannon accused the Supreme Court of playing Calvinball in its decision upholding ObamaCare. In the old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon strip the characters played Calvinball, a game in whi...


Minimum-wage jobs are physically demanding, have unpredictable schedules, and pay so meagerly that workers can't save up enough to move on.


There are moments when I want to weep for America. They often come, now that I think of it, when I read the Washington Post. Last week, that newspaper ran an article by a long-serving English teacher in Sacramento called Dana Dusbiber, who dislikes Shakespeare so much that she has decided to ignore the curriculum and stop teaching his works:
If we only teach students of color, as I have been fortunate to do my entire career, then it is far past the time for us to dispense with our Eurocentric presentation of the literary world. Conversely, if we only teach white students, it is our imperative duty to open them up to a world of diversity through literature that they may never encounter anywhere else in their lives.


If there is a trend to speak of, it is not one of a growing consensus, but of a debate cut short, bit by bit, by a litany of judicial usurpations.


The leader of the city’s female firefighters has sparked outrage for blasting “white boys” and “white privilege.” Sarinya Srisakul, president of United Women’s Firefighters, is taking heat from fel...


A report claims the Kremlin is sympathetic to groups agitating for an independent Texas, and has been providing support for the secessionists online.


Please pray for our nation.


It’s not just campuses that are challenging the definition of rape. Many states are redefining the law.


A group of Georgia firefighters went above and beyond the call of duty.


Voting Republican and other failed culture war strategies are not going to save us now.


Let's just say that Al Gore isn't smiling right now.


- Read more at: http://gistonthis.com/endtime-california-allows-first-ever-state-recognized-human-animal-marriage/ What kind of report is this? Are they for ...


Banning divisive products is a political fiction, a marketing myth, an invocation one must offer as one shovels the cursed wares of the day down the memory hole.


Jeffrey Toobin said that it wasn't legal "to talk about gay people the way Justice Scalia used to talk about gay people"


It doesn't matter what the Supreme Court ruled. We can expect mainstream media to ask the question of every GOP candidate whenever they get the chance. Whether it's about the ruling, gay marriage in general, or what a candidate would do about marriage equality if they're elected, they have an optional out.


MONTGOMERY, Ala. (May 23, 2015) - This week, the Alabama state Senate passed a bill that would end the practice of licensing marriages in the state, effectively nullifying both major sides of the contentious national debate over government-sanctioned marriage. Introduced by Sen. Greg Albritton (R-Bay Minette), Senate Bill 377 (SB377) would end state issued marriage licenses, while providing marriage contracts as an alternative. It passed through the Alabama state Senate by a 22-3 margin on May 19. “When you invite the state into those matters of personal or religious import, it creates difficulties,” Sen. Albritton said about his bill in April. “Go back long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. Early twentieth century, if you go back and look and try to find marriage licenses for your grandparents or great grandparents, you won’t find it. What you will find instead is where people have come in and recorded when a marriage has occurred.” The bill would replace all references to