
Why are borders in 1861, 1919, 1945, 1948, 1956 or 1967 or any other time morally superior? Palestinian revanchism is a recipe for endless wars. Revanchism is the desire to reverse territorial loss...


Speaker Boehner and his allies have been flexing their muscle to impose discipline.


Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, accused Republicans of doublespeak and shedding crocodile tears over Friday's Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage.
Many in the Republican party are popping champagne after the decision, Cruz said at stops across Iowa Friday, accusing Republicans of issuing deceptive press releases at odds with what they truly believed.
While other Republican candidates are happy to leave the controversial same-sex marriage issue behind, Cruz made a purposeful appeal to evangelicals and others displeased by Friday's ruling, in an apparent effort to garner more votes from Iowa's conservative base. He slammed fellow GOP candidates former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., for tightly-parsed language on religious freedom in the wake of the Friday ruling, and criticized Ohio Gov. John Kasich for urging Republicans to ditch the issue altogether.


It is easy to mock the enraged opinions coming from the U.S. Supreme Court—but they’re no laughing matter.


Justice Antonin Scalia did not mince words over what he felt about the U.S. Supreme Court's flawed decision on gay marriage last week. He flat out declared that the John Roberts Court is a "threat to American democracy." Scalia says that this continued...


"Here's what the Washington cartel wants — they want us divided," he said.


Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a directive Friday afternoon to all state agencies in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage. The directive orders all state agency heads to respect and preserve the religious liberties and First Amendment rights of all Texans.


Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida on Thursday gave President Obama a failing grade on issues related to the embattled Department of Veterans Affairs.


Gay Marriage question, click this... @2:00 mark. “Hardball” Nov. 20th 2002 from the Page Hall auditorium at the Albany Downtown Campus. TRANSCRIPT: http://ww...


The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds its ruling that banning American students from wearing American flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo was justified.


American Way: Society is changing rapidly - from Rachel Dolezal to gay marriage - and both sides need to take a breath and see things from the other's perspective


Men visiting their GP with symptoms of anxiety or depression are more likely to have experienced or carried out some form of behaviour linked to domestic violence and abuse, according to a new University of Bristol study. Researchers say the findings highlight the need for GPs to ask male patients with ...


Zo gives a history lesson about the legacy of racism in the Democratic Party. Hear how Democrats take gross liberties with concepts of freedom on this ZoNati...


Zo thinks that Democrats are really the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK. Hear why.


EVANSVILLE, Indiana — There are a lot of desperate folks out there that will do anything to get on public assistance, but this might take the cake. A Craigslist ad ran last week in the jobs section in Evansville offering $50 to “some strong guy” to break a woman’s back…


Oh My: Slain South Carolina Pastor Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage


What media bias? The liberal media cheers Supreme Court decision on gay marriage… Via PJ Media: Washington Post: The Los ...


Am I the only one who keeps thinking "Do you really need the Supreme Court's and the United States Government's permission to love?" That certainly seems to be the message implicit in the #LoveWin...


Guest post by DMartyr Can you imagine the outrage if such rhetoric was used at a Tea Party rally? A ...


Gawker is certainly attracting the gawkers today. The media outlet suggested Bristol Palin abort her unborn baby in the name of “choice” – dismissing Palin’s actual choice for life. In response to Bristol Palin announcing her second pregnancy, Gawker’s Allie Jones wrote a piece entitled, “Bristol Palin Makes Great Argument for Abortion in Baby Announcement.” Jones translated Palin’s blog about “trying my hardest to keep my chin up” into “extreme dread” and bashed her inability to recognize “choice.”


Ha! Unintended consequences are AWESOME.


By Todd Starnes
Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton wants to dig up the bodies of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife and remove them from a city park in the latest and perhaps most despicable example of the anti-Southern cleansing spreading across the nation.
“Which African-Ameri