
A group of university professors has signed a letter showing their solidarity with students who tried to ban the American flag at the University of California, Irvine – because they said Old Glory contributes to racism.


Progressives seek to be ‘hypersexual’ or ‘pansexual’ because they never quite understood what it meant to be ‘sexual.’


Online retail giant Amazon’s Monday decision to ban the sale of merchandise depicting the Confederate flag has many Americans scratching their heads, as a quick review of Amazon’s site reveals the company still sells Nazi flags.


Did the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign officially distribute a button featuring a Confederate flag motif?


I have written columns and blogs through the years about the disturbing trend on U.S. campuses toward free regulation and controls. In the name of diversities and tolerance, college administrators ...


Speaking at a church on Tuesday, Clinton said what had kept her own mother going was "kindness along the way from someone who believed she mattered. All lives matter."


The Senate collected enough votes to give Obama "fast track" trade authority, giving the White House a hard-fought victory.


The arguments for fast-track are completely ridiculous.


Democrats have been running away from the “liberal” label for a long time, but recent polling shows that rank-and-file Democrats are increasingly happy to pin the scarlet “L” on themselves. It may seem counterintuitive, but the rise in liberal pride is crucial to liberals building a long-lasting relationship with moderates and...


First they came after the Stars and Bars. Now the left wants the US military to rename several bases named ...


MATURE LANGUAGE: Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media talks about the Confederate flag controversy from the perspective of a Canadian immigrant to the U.S. He not...


The Obama administration has ordered agents to begin ignoring many of the illegal immigrants they encounter in local prisons and jails, as the president begins to implement a lesser-known part of his deportation amnesty program — a move that’s not sitting well with either side in the immigration debate.


Despite the courts putting a freeze on...


More Obama: “If you watch Fox News you inhabit a completely different world, with different facts than if you read (the) New York Times."? Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) June 22, 2015 Barack Obama, giving an interview on the West Coast recently, said, "If you watch Fox News you inhabit a completely different world, with different facts than if you read (the) New York Times." Obama's point | Read More


Ted Cruz argued AP's pic of a gun pointed at him shows "no one is more ready for Hillary than the mainstream media"


A national conversation on the Confederate flag succeeded at doing something Boss Hogg never could: bringing down the “General Lee.”


What happens when the news media catch the White House in a demonstrable lie? That depends entirely on whether they like the administration. If they loathe the administration, it’s front-page...


The University of California has been the subject of derision lately for its recent faculty seminars designed to wipe out so-called “microaggressions,” which the university describes as “everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults” that “communicate hostile messages” to members of “marginalized” groups. These can be unintentional and even “preconscious” or “unconscious” slights.


Many of the nation’s largest retailers abruptly decided this week to stop selling merchandise tied to the Confederate battle flag. ...


The debate over the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina and elsewhere is not really about the banner itself, Rush Limbaugh says. And it won’t stop there, the radio host said during his show on Tuesday. One day, he said, what is happening to the rebel flag will come to pass for the American flag, too. To liberals, he added, the American...


The announcement will be at 5 pm PST.


This is what CNN does: Whether it is smearing American veterans as too mentally unstable to be police officers or describing attempted mass-cop killers as "courageous and brave," CNN is always floating Narrative trial balloons for profane ideas as a way to edge those ideas into the mainstream. Tuesday, CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield conflated the Jefferson Memorial with the Rebel Flag within the context of removing the memorial.


In 2015 leftist activists have reached their high-water mark of silliness. It's all downhill from here.


Paul Begala said that Hillary Clinton "absolutely" has to answer for her association with Arkansas' Confederate-inspired flag