I am in no way affilicated with Bill Whittle but I love this video and the rest of his as well. For more of his videos visit www.pjtv.com Bill Whittle - Tea ...
The 2016 presidential candidate earns Four Pinocchios for relying on discredited media reporting to make a specious case.
In a letter, five former members of President Obama’s circle of Iran advisers said a pending accord to stem Iran’s nuclear program might “fall short” of administration standards.
SCOTUS once again rescues O-Care – Justice Scalia says time to call it SCOTUScare pic.twitter.com/OEBuufGGhY — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) June ...
Lately, I’ve noticed a new trend coming out of the Russian media and press releases from the Kremlin.

Scalia's Dissent

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Time- Scalia starts by bashing the majority opinion: The Court holds that when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act says “Exchange established by the State” it means “Exchange established...
Pop quiz: you’re in charge of a giant digital game store, and suddenly there’s a controversy revolving around how and when people display the U.S. Confederate flag. Do you A) do nothing; B) assess all of your games on a case-by-case basis; or C) remove games that show the flag in any way?
Apple has removed seemingly all Civil War games from the App Store for displaying the Confederate Flag in "offensive and mean-spirited ways,"...
I’m all for celebrating the drawing down of the flag, but now let’s pivot from symbolic moves to substantial ones.
Lee Stranahan at Breitbart.com reports that Black Panther ex-chairman Malik Shabazz urged a Charleston crowd Tuesday to finish a mission to kill all the "slave masters."
Tuesday night saw something rare on PBS, a conservative voice. Senator Ted Cruz appeared on liberal Tavis Smiley's program and hit back at the host's pro-Democrat questions. Smiley demanded, "Well, why can't we raise the minimum wage to a living wage? Why won't you fight for that?" Cruz quickly retorted, "The people who will hurt the most... How does it impact the most vulnerable? Every time you raise the minimum wage, the people who will hurt the most is the most vulnerable."
The Supreme Court has upheld ObamaCare subsidies in states that did not set up their own health care exchanges, in a major win for the Obama administration.
If the Confederate flag is finally going to be consigned to museums as an ugly symbol of racism, what about the beloved film offering the most iconic glimpse of that flag in American culture? I’m t...
Demonizing America as a racist nation -- that is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo".It is an amazing thing to watch. The U.S.A. has gone from being the
Justices agreed with the Obama administration that government subsidies should be available to all.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia slammed the ruling on Obamacare subsidies in a scathing dissent.
BY CHAUNCEY ALCORN,  NEW YORK DAILY NEWSThis could get out of hand.As outrage over the Confederate Battle flag's display grows around the nation and online, politicians and business leaders are
At the 2009 G20 meetings in London, GCHQ set up fake internet cafes for delegates to use to log their keystrokes. If you are dumb enough to use an Internet cafe for official business, you deserve t...
Hillary Clinton has confused two very different things – racial bigotry and institutionalized racism – and in doing so threw out heat when we needed light.

Clinton's Benghazi Cover Up 3.0

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

What you need to know about the three iterations of Clinton’s BIG Lie cover-up on Benghazi.
Cavuto took the opportunity to confront Jason Chaffetz over ousting Mark Meadows for his TPA vote. Chaffetz admitted that the TPA vote was part of it, but claimed there were a 'variety of factors' ...
Wait times are longer now than last year.

GOP Infighting Strikes Again

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Leadership is punishing dissent among the ranks.
Mark Steyn was absolutely fantastic on Hannity tonight, explaining the true, evil history of the Democratic Party and asking when are they going to apologize for it. Here's one small blurb: It's a ...